The Best, Lightweight & Secure Desktop Setup - Xubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS

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In this tutorial we will setup a fresh Xubuntu Operating System on our computer. Xubuntu is one of the most lightweight operating systems you can install, while it is a fully capable, expandable and easy to use environment. If you want your computer to run an OS as minimal and fast as possible while having the full power and security of Linux, Xubuntu is one of the best choices. Some laptops on the ISS run it and we would all agree that the choices for the space station are special. The tutorial will cover all the setup process for a full system format.

Note: There will be additional tutorials on how to customize and configure your new system and install extra software.

Xubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) was released in April 21, 2016, it is free open source, comes with Xfce, which is a stable, light and configurable desktop environment. It is recommended for novice users up to advanced developers. If you plan to set this up on a very old computer, you have a big chance to resurrect it -- this system is extremely fast. The LTS release (Long Term Support) is supported until April 2019 and is the recommended version for all environments that require stability.

Note: If you have minimal or no experience with a Linux system you may of course find it strange at first, but that's normal. All you need is the will to learn something new, especially when it is something like this. Remember it may look like Windows but it is not, it is far ahead, so it will need your attention.

ISO Download & Burn

First we will need the installation ISO image file so we can create a DVD.
Download it for free from
(Choose 64bit or 32bit depending on your computer architecture)

Once downloaded, it is recommended to burn the image file to a DVD and not a USB. Various programs that promise a good USB result have issues -- but there are two good ones I can recommend:
If you are on Linux already, use: UNetbootin
If you are on Windows, use: LinuxLive USB Creator

It is now time to burn the ISO.
When your medium (DVD or USB) is ready, you may need to enter your BIOS setup Boot Options and make sure that you can boot from DVD or USB if needed.


Note: If you use a Wi-FI there will be an extra step in the process below. Take the time to enter your Wi-Fi information at that point.

Step 1.
Start the computer that you have planned to install the system on, with the installation DVD or USB on it.
When your computer starts you will first see the boot screen.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 2.
At this point, the Welcome screen appears.
Select the language from the left side, and then click on the Install Xubuntu button on the right side of your screen.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 3.
In this next step, click the checkbox Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware, Flash, MP3 and other media.
You can leave the Download updates while installing Xubuntu unchecked so that we can install the updates afterwards.
This will make sure we install the system faster. Click the Continue button.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 4.
Now we will choose how we want the hard drive to be formated.
Make sure that the Erase disk and install Xubuntu is selected.
Click on the checkbox Use LVM with the new Xubuntu installation.
Warning: This will format the whole hard drive on the computer and create it's own partitions needed. Any data on this drive will be wiped out.
Click the Install Now button.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 5.
A window opens with information about the changes that will occur to the disk.
Confirm by clicking on the Continue button.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 6.
At this point the system has started copying files in the background. While it is doing this, we will be asked some questions.
Select your Time Zone / location by clicking on the world map -- if it is not correctly guessed already.
You can also type it in the text field below the map.
Click the Continue button.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 7.
Next is the Keyboard Layout setup.
Select the desired language and then click on the Continue button.
Note that you can also change the system language after installation.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 8.
Last, your computer user information.
Type in Your Name, set a name for your computer, pick a Username, and set a Password (twice).
When it all looks good, click on the Continue button.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 9.
The system will now continue the installation without any more questions.
There will be only two more things to do before the very end.
Just sit back and watch for a little bit.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial
Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 10.
When this window appears, the installation has finished and you are asked to restart the computer.
You should not take the DVD or USB out yet.
Click on the Restart Now button.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 11.
When you see this screen, it is now the time to remove the DVD or USB stick from the computer.
When removed, hit ENTER on your keyboard.
The system will reboot.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial
Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 12.
This was the first system boot.
When you see this screen (the login screen) you can login to your new system.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial
Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 13.
After you login, the first thing to do is update the system.
On the upper left corner of your screen there is a blue icon, click on it. The main system menu opens.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 14.
Type the word update.
Click on the Software Updater from the list.
This will open the update application and find new updates to install.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial
Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 15.
Once updates are found, the following window will appear.
These are the ones we didn't install during the installation process.
Click on the Install Now button of this window.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 16.
You will be asked for your password.
Linux will always ask for your password when you want to make changes to the system such as when installing updates or other software.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial
Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Step 17.
After installing all the updates, the system may ask you to reboot such as seen on the following screen.
You must restart your computer in this case, otherwise there is no need for it.
Let's restart the computer in this tutorial. Click on the Restart Now button.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial
Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Your new Linux system is ready. Login to it.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Let's make it look a little nicer.
Right click on the desktop and select Desktop Settings.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

Select a wallpaper that you like and just close that window.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial

It's all yours.
Enjoy your new Linux system. Be creative.

Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial
Linux Xubuntu 16-04 LTS Setup Tutorial