Metadata for Joomla: Changelog

Λογισμικό: Metadata

Πλατφόρμα: Joomla
Metadata is a powerful, advanced and modern SEO extension for Joomla, that allows you to manage any kind of metadata on your site.
Learn More.

(December 16, 2024)
- Improved installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(December 9, 2024)
- Compatibility with PHP 8.4 - tested on PHP 8.4.1 on Linux.
- Compatibility with Joomla 5.3 - tested on Joomla 5.3.0-alpha2-dev.
- Added web.config files to restrict access for IIS.
- Implemented notification system.
- Improved UI.
- Updated copyright notice.
- Various changes/improvements.

(September 26, 2024)
- URL and link changes.

(July 26, 2024)
- Fixed a bug caused by Joomla core changes in Joomla 4 or higher, affecting setups in sub-directories unable to load media in the HEAD section, resulting in broken UI (reported by Pere).

(July 19, 2024)
- Improved the skip class to avoid future issues when using 'Page Relative URI' Assignment in items.

(July 15, 2024)
- Added Standard Sets, Categories and Options sections.
- Moved Generator, Generator URI, Content Rights, Title Separator, Homepage Title and Offline Title to the Standard Options.
- The Area tab in items has been renamed to Assignment.
- Improved the Assignment functionality.
- Various changes/improvements.

(July 5, 2024)
- Improved select and multi-select menus for Joomla 4 or higher.
- Moved the Area tab to the first position in items.

(July 4, 2024)
- Improved Custom Elements behavior in relation to Joomla core metadata.
- Minor bug fixes introduced in update version 4.5.3.

(July 2, 2024)
- Full Eorisis Framework refactoring.
- Skipping Joomla core helper class as it is not used anymore.
- Improved country code language keys/constants to prevent possible text translation conflicts.
- Removed jimport as it is not needed anymore.
- Bypass Joomla core bug on calendars strftime() is deprecated in /libraries/src/Form/Field/CalendarField.php.
- Removed week numbers from calendars.
- Improved installer.
- Improved performance.
- Tested up to Joomla 6.0.0-alpha1-dev.
- Various changes/improvements.

(June 12, 2024)
- Keep active tab on Joomla 4 or higher.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong order of strings were given to strstr() in the extract class, relative_uri() method.
- Fixed backend textarea fields that could not resize vertically.
- Forcing view_list in the component controllers to avoid Joomla core bug.
- Fixed a bug in the backend UI section loading the Side Bar menus option from the wrong directory.
- Avoiding PHP's Empty delimiter notice if the needle is empty when the user input is not correct (find class).
- Avoiding false positives in the find class when the user input is not correct.
- Removed code from the Eorisis Framework for old versions of Joomla that was never used.
- Removed extension version from the backend browser title.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.
- Compatible with Joomla 6, 5, 4, 3 -- tested on Joomla up to version 6.0.0-alpha-dev.
- Compatible/Tested on PHP 8.3.8, 8.2.20, 8.1.29, 7.4.33, 7.3.33, 7.2.34, 7.1.33, 7.0.33.
- Various changes/improvements.

(March 17, 2024)
- Fixed item ordering issue in the backend for Joomla 4 or higher.
- Fixed jQuery warnings in some areas of the backend.
- Google Scholar warnings are now notifications.
- Improved the Eorisis framework.
- Improved User Interface.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved language constants.
- Tested on Joomla up to version 6.0.0-alpha-dev.
- Tested on PHP up to version 8.3.4.
- Various changes/improvements.

(March 8, 2024)
- Changed the Eorisis Update System URL.
- Paths in the media directory have been reorganized.
- Removed Joomla menu sub menus.
- Removed old Joomla version warning.
- Sidebar in items has been removed in Joomla 3.
- Installation of individual extensions of the package is now fully rejected to avoid user mistakes that lead to broken a installation.
- Optimized performance.
- Improved the page title in the backend.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved the User Interface.
- Improved Installer.
- Tested on Joomla up to version 5.1.0-beta1.
- Prepared for the implementation of Dublin Core metadata in upcoming update.
- Various changes/improvements.

(February 5, 2024)
- Improved Open Graph Image tags and options related to their URLs.
- Improved installer.
- Tested up to 5.1.0-alpha4-dev Joomla version.
- Various changes/improvements.

(January 10, 2024)
- Optimized the recently introduced approach for adding metadata to the HEAD section.
- Proper ordering of metadata in the HTML document source code.
- The Page Title feature, introduced in version 4.3.4 now extends its application to all metadata utilizing dynamic page titles, not limited to the title tag alone.
- Removed non-standard meta title and its option from the Preferences.
- Improved performance.
- Various changes/improvements.

(January 9, 2024)
- Changed method of inserting metadata in the HEAD, due to Joomla core changes making extra special character escaping.
- Resolved extra special character escaping for feeds.
- Resolved a bug associated with Highwire Press Journal and Conference titles, ensuring accurate display of warnings when either is left unfilled (reported by Jennifer).
- Added Journal & Conference Warnings option in the Highwire Press Sets, allowing users to suppress warnings selectively when dealing with non-Journal or non-Conference papers.
- Added Journal Abbrev citation_journal_abbrev in the Highwire Press Sets (reported by Jennifer).
- Improved Google Scholar documentation.
- Added Close button in the dashboard.
- Various changes/improvements.

(January 3, 2024)
- Compatibility with PHP 8.3. Tested on PHP 8.3.1.
- Added option Clear Frontend Cache in the Preferences. When Joomla Global Configuration has caching enabled, activating this option ensures that the Frontend cache is automatically cleared during actions like saving.
- Improved the cache() method in the Installer's cms class for compatibility with the native framework of Joomla 4.3 or higher.
- Side Bar Menus option in the User Interface section in the backend is now also available for Joomla 5/4. Defaults to Off.
- Improved Dark Mode compatibility for Joomla 5 backend.
- Improved Joomla 5 backend layout.
- Tested up to 5.1.0-alpha3-dev.
- Various changes/improvements.

(November 30, 2023)
- Compatible with the upcoming Joomla 5.1, tested on 5.1.0-alpha2-dev.
- Better sanitization of URLs to avoid some UTF-8 rare scenarios.
- Various changes/improvements.

(August 18, 2023)
- Resolved a bug within Joomla 4 and later versions, that would trigger a PHP warning upon uninstalling the extension.
- Optimization/Performance improvements.

(July 11, 2023)
- Handling of all new changes introduced in Joomla 5.0.0-alpha3-dev. *
- Refactored the Eorisis compatibility layer that handles Joomla versions. This also reduced complexity and improved performance.
- Fixed a bug related to UTF-8 characters.
- Fixed a bug affecting some backend sections causing an error in Joomla 3.7.5 or older.
- Fixed a backend UI problem related to On/Off buttons in Joomla 3.7.5 or older.
- Improved Performance.
- Various changes/improvements.

* Important: Please take note that the installation of this update is essential in order to ensure compatibility with the forthcoming Joomla 5, as it is crucial to address the modifications found in Joomla 5.0.0-alpha3-dev. It is important to emphasize that Joomla 5 CMS is currently in the Alpha stage and, as such, it is not yet advisable for use in production environments.

(June 6, 2023)
- Fixed Joomla Custom Fields (Media) not loading image data in Open Graph Image property.
- Tested up to the currently latest PHP 8.2.6, 8.1.19, 8.0.28, 7.4.33, 7.3.33, 7.2.34, 7.1.33, 7.0.33 on Linux.
- Fixed PHP warnings related to preprocessForm() and _getAssetParentId() on PHP 7.1 or older.
- Tested up to the currently latest Joomla 5.0.0-alpha1, 4.4.0-alpha1, and 4.3.2.
- Optimization/Performance improvements.

(May 17, 2023)
- Fixed extra string #joomlaImage://local-images/ appended by Joomla core on media fields for Intro/Full images of articles. This Joomla behavior has been noticed since Joomla 4.0.2 and has been fixed in Metadata version 4.1.4, but it would not take care of Intro/Full images of articles well, it now does. (reported by Lars)

(April 28, 2023)
- Compatibility with Joomla 4.3.0, 4.4.x and 5.x.
- The Homepage Title (HTML) now includes a new option for setting a custom Page Title through a Joomla item pointing to the homepage.
- Refined string sanitization to handle the & character more effectively.
- Updated country list.
- Improved curl class. Better compatibility with modern PHP.
- Various changes/improvements.

(30 January 2023)
- URI sanitization could result in broken URLs in some cases. This is now fixed.
- General maintenance.
- Various changes/improvements.

(27 October 2022)
- Added extra check for servers with missing PHP packages that lead to an error related to the core PHP class IntlDateFormatter.
(Reported by David).

(19 October 2022)
- Compatibility with Joomla 5.0 and 4.3.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.1 and 8.2.
- Improved the time class.
- Various changes/improvements.

(22 September 2022)
- Compatible with the latest PHP versions 8.1.10 and 8.2.0RC2.
- Improved time class.
- Improved exceptions class and error handling.
- Any framework possible errors/warnings/notices now get written in error_log on the server drive.
- Various changes/improvements.

(29 July 2022)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.2.0-rc1.
- Joomla 4.2 would throw a Warning related to JForm in the preprocessForm() methods, due to J4.2 framework changes. This is now fixed.
- Fixed a bug in the scan() method of the image class, where user input paths to single files would fail.
- The factory class now returns a new instance of a class.
- Better handling of possible errors and error messages.
- Improved the filesystem class.
- Replaced scandir() with RecursiveDirectoryIterator.
- Improved language file loading functionality. Special language files are also moved inside the framework directory.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(20 May 2022)
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Various improvements.

(6 April 2022)
- Compatibility with Joomla 4.2.0-alpha2-dev.
- Fixed protection of last category deletion in Joomla 4.
- Removed Option Animations (Backend) option for Joomla 3. It is now set to no-animation.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Various UI improvements.
- Various changes/improvements.

(27 January 2022)
- Removed DCMI Options section and moved these options to the DCMI extension, as part of the preparation of it to become a Component.
- Improved the ACL/Permissions section for Joomla 4 - Text descriptions have been removed from the Joomla 4 core, added back those used by the extension.
- Compatibility with Joomla 4.1.0-beta3.
- Auth Token has been renamed to Authorization Code for the Update system. This will change site-wide after the release of the update.
- Moved Update options in its own section with a new button at the Dashboard's top bar.
- Added separate permissions for the Updates section.
- The Options button is now renamed to Permissions since it only contains the extension's permissions.
- Added Support button on the top toolbar.
- Added cURL warning in the backend.
- Removed Chosen from Joomla 3.
- Removed Sidebar Menus from Joomla 4, since the main Joomla 4 sidebar exists.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved backend UI.
- Various changes/improvements.

(7 December 2021)
- Added "Does not equal, Does not contain, Does not start with, Does not end with" to the "Area > Page Relative URI" for items.
- Added monospaced font in the backend to improve code or numeric field inputs.
- Some options in the backend would revert to default on save. This is now fixed.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved documentation and documentation presentation within the extension.
- Improved backend UI.
- Various changes/improvements.

Note: A core Joomla bug was introduced in Joomla 4.0.4 related to component categories, where PHP throws the following notices:
Notice: Undefined variable: ref_key in /administrator/components/com_categories/src/View/Categories/HtmlView.php on line 302
Notice: Undefined variable: url in /administrator/components/com_categories/src/View/Categories/HtmlView.php on line 318
Notice: Undefined variable: url in /administrator/components/com_categories/src/View/Categories/HtmlView.php on line 328
This bug is fixed in Joomla 4.0.5:

(27 October 2021)
- Fixed fonts URI in the backend.

(26 October 2021)
- The extension is compatible with the upcoming Joomla 4.1.x. Tested on Joomla 4.1.0-alpha1.
- Unpublished items in Joomla 4 might throw an error related to zero date values on save in the backend, depending on server config. This is now fixed.
- Added backend warning for Joomla versions older than 4 and 3.10.
- Improved date comparison of items in the backend.
- Improved backend error handling.
- Improved backend UI.
- Improved Documentation and Changelog modals in the backend (Joomla 4).
- Removed the Options Button option from the User Interface options. It is now always visible in the Dashboard only.
- Various changes/improvements.

(7 September 2021)
- Removed all Joomla 4 alpha and beta version support. Full support for the stable Joomla 4.x and 3.x.
- Removed the categories finder plugin from the package. It was kept only for installation maintenance purposes.
- Now loading jQuery in Highwire Press item edit page in Joomla 4 backend so that the Add/Remove buttons for Authors can work as expected.
- Fixed non existing closing bold tag in EO_HIGHWIRE_PUBLICATION_DATE_DSC text for Highwire Press items, causing tabs to break in the backend in Joomla 4.
- Bypass a Joomla 4 bad behavior related to media image paths. When inserting an image using a media type field, Joomla 4 adds a suffix to the path that starts with: #joomlaImage://local-images/. When saved, it gets stored into the database. This results in an incorrect image path and the image will not load in the frontend, unless the path gets stripped.
- Autocomplete is now off on all input and select elements in the backend.
- Improved Highwire Press Authors layout.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(21 August 2021)
- Fixed a bug in the skip class, that would produce an error when saving Highwire or Twitter items and the area of the item would be set to Global (reported by Ivan).

(17 August 2021)
- Tested on all Joomla versions including the new Joomla 4.0.0 and 3.10.0.
- Eorisis framework refactoring phase 2.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(20 July 2021)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-RC5-Dev.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 3.10.0-Alpha10-Dev.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(21 June 2021)
- The Eorisis framework is now PSR-4 compliant.
- Eorisis framework namespace and class refactoring.
- Improved Stability.
- Improved Performance.
- Tested on Joomla 4.0.0-rc3-dev.
- Tested on Joomla 3.10.0-alpha8-dev
- Various changes/improvements.

(17 May 2021)
- Fixed a bug affecting individual items that use Use Global / On / Off states.
- Improved Stability.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Documentation.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(11 May 2021)
- Implemented Highwire Press metadata integration for indexing of websites with scholarly articles in Google Scholar.
- Added DC variant for DCMI and set it to default as it is preferred by Google Scholar.
- Added full world languages list.
- Added Google Scholar Warnings.
- Avoiding rare case of error on misconfigured servers.
- Extra check for missing db data during installation.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(19 April 2021)
- Removed experimental backend UI Buttons Style from Joomla 4.
- Backend UI Buttons Size is now not available for Joomla 4.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta8-dev.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.0.
- Avoiding errors on servers running PHP versions older than 7.2.
- Improved the Dashboard layout.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Code cleanup.
- Various changes/improvements.
Tested on PHP 8.0.3, 7.4.16, 7.3.27, 7.2.34, 7.1.33, 7.0.33

(20 March 2021)
- Improved compatibility with Microsoft/Windows servers.
- Avoid installation error on servers running PHP 5.6 or older, display a proper warning and abort installation.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Stability.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(9 February 2021)
- Dropped support for PHP 5.6.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.0.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-Beta7.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Installer.
- Tested compatibility with Joomla 3.10.0-Alpha5.
- Various changes/improvements.

(12 January 2021)
- Tightened security.
- Full support for PHP 8.0 (released on 24 November 2020).
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta6-dev.
- Various changes/improvements.

(2 October 2020)
- WebAssetManager compatibility for Joomla 4 and Joomla 5.
- Various changes/improvements.

(3 September 2020)
- Avoid error for PHP versions equal or older than 7.0.x, due to restrictions implemented in version 3.0.5.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Various changes/improvements.

(28 August 2020)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-Beta3.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved Performance.
- Minimum PHP Version raised to 5.6.0.
- Various changes/improvements.

(7 May 2020)
- Minimum PHP Version raised to 5.4.0.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta1-dev.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Various changes/improvements.

(6 April 2020)
- Confirmed full support for PHP 7.4. Tested on PHP 7.4.4 (released on 17 March 2020) on Linux servers. *
- Added support for PHP's ZipArchive to the installer. It will now fallback to zip module.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved compatibility with older versions of Joomla.
- Minor changes/improvements.

* Note: In case you run PHP 7.4 on your server, it may not be compiled with zip support. In the case that your host has compiled PHP from source, as of PHP 7.4.0 the server admin must compile PHP with zip support by using the --with-zip configure option. If you face problems running PHP 7.4 on your site, then your host has not fully and/or correctly compiled PHP 7.4. In this case it is recommended to fallback to an older PHP version such as PHP 7.3.

(24 February 2020)
- Improved item's Area > Components selection.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta1-dev.
- Improved compatibility with older versions of Joomla.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved language files.
- Avoid error in the backend control panel > Options page when the system plugin is disabled.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(21 January 2020)
- Improved item's Area > Components selection.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta1-dev.
- Improved compatibility with older versions of Joomla.
- Improved Fields.
- Strict input fields.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(15 January 2020)
- Added Twitter Cards, Twitter Card Categories and Twitter Options.
- Added option Option Animations in Interface area for Joomla 3.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta1-dev.
- Improved compatibility with older versions of Joomla.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved Fields.
- Improved backend item sorting.
- Improved language files.
- Display warning when attempting to delete a category that is the only category of a section.
- Avoid PHP warning when an item's Area is set to Page Relative URI but no String is set.
- Fixed incorrect text constants.
- Fixed incorrect UI Layout Colors option check (Joomla 3).
- Various changes/improvements.

(1 November 2019)
- Full compatibility with the new UI code changes in Joomla 4.0.0-alpha12.
- Minor changes/improvements.

Note: Joomla 4.0.0-alpha12 core would produce an error originating from the WebAssetManager, while core extensions such as the Login Module are enabled in the frontend. This is an incomplete/buggy behavior in the current alpha versions of the Joomla 4 framework. In case you encouter the above error in the frontend, disabling the Login Module will allow the Joomla framework to execute properly, until the WebAssetManager is fully removed or fixed. Another error is caused by the onContentBeforeSave method in core plugins missing the $data variable, in various cases when saving extension data in the backend. Core plugins that cause the error are Content Joomla, Content Smart Search and Action Log Joomla. Disabling these plugins bypasses the problem of Joomla 4. It is once again strongly recommended to use Joomla 4 for testing purposes ONLY.

(8 October 2019)
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.

(12 September 2019)
- Added Auth Token check notice in the Dashboard.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(15 July 2019)
- Fixed wrong namespace used in some of the controllers producting an error in the backend.

(7 June 2019)
- Updated Setup plugin.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(24 May 2019)
- On initial/new installs, the installer will now not force utf8mb4_unicode_ci collate on database table creation, but follow the host's database defaults to avoid problems with unmaintained and messy databases. It is now up to the admin of the site to have a modern and correct database setup.
- Improved XML methods.
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(13 May 2019)
- Moved all button options from the Interface > Misc tab, to a new tab Buttons.
- The Interface > Misc tab has been renamed to General and is now first.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(9 May 2019)
- Strengthened the ACL Permission system of the component. All sections of the component now have their own ACL Permissions for all Joomla User Groups separately. This means that if a Manager could previously access the Global Open Graph options of the component by having Administrator ACL, now the Manager cannot (by default), unless a Super User sets this permission for that section and the specific User Group. If you allow multiple User Groups to access the Administrator area of this component, you are encouraged to take the time and check the new ACL Permissions that have been added in the Options > Permissions section (the Options button is on the upper right of the toolbar).
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit DCMI Global Options.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Open Graph Global Options.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Global Preferences.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Interface.
- Split the Open Graph global options into tabs.
- Improved the position of the toolbar buttons in Joomla 3.
- Various other improvements.

(3 May 2019)
Notice: You need the latest version of the Setup Installer plugin installed in order to update to this version directly from your website. Just make sure you update the Setup Installer plugin first.

- Updated Setup Installer to version 2.5.0 to handle package direct update.
- Switched to Package in the Update system.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.
- Improved compatibility with old PHP versions.
- Improved backend forms.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved installer.
- The default Side Bar Menus value for Joomla 4 is now set to Off.
- Added Buttons Size option.
- Various changes/improvements.

(23 April 2019)
- The Area params are now in their own tab for Open Graph, Canonical, Hreflang and Custom Elements.
- Improved Performance.
- Code cleanup.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(26 March 2019)
- Improved Joomla 4 UI compatibility.
- Added UI Buttons Style option for Joomla 4.
- Added Toolbar Bottons (Group / Separate) options in UI preferences for Joomla 4.

(19 March 2019)
- Improved installer (Extensive testing).
- Improved UI.

(16 March 2019)
- An installer bug would abort installation with an error, under specific conditions (reported by Mauricio).

(13 March 2019)
- Added the extension logo in the Dashboard.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(4 March 2019)
- Added Characters Limit to the Interface for all items in the backend.
- Removed Categories Finder Plugin as it is no longer required (Joomla core indexing issues have been fixed).
- Added Joomla Version warnings.
- Various changes/improvements.

(19 February 2019)
- Fix for not being able to uninstall with an error, introduced by a recent change in the update system (Reported by Michael).
- Added Joomla Version checks.
- Various changes/improvements.

(25 January 2019)
- Improved installer.

(4 January 2019)
- Compatibility with PHP 7.3.
- Improved installer.

(25 December 2018)
- Added Article Intro Image and Article Full Image detection and dynamic set for the Open Graph.
- Added Article Intro Image Alt Text and Article Full Image Alt Text as options for the Image Alt Text for the Open Graph.
- Improved installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(21 November 2018)
- Improved the Eorisis framework.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla versions 3.6.5 or older.
- Improved installer.
- Various changes/improvements. Extensively tested on the current PHP 7.2.12 all the way back to PHP 5.6.38 on Linux and Windows.

Note: Joomla 4.0.0-alpha5 core has various backend issues that didn't exist in alpha4. Joomla 4 CMS is not ready yet, it is currently for testing only. Read More.

(1 November 2018)
- Improved Installer.
- The extension title is now being displayed properly in Joomla 3.9 "Action Logs - Latest" in the backend. Note that there are still various Joomla core bugs with language text in Action Logs.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(22 October 2018)
- Added Facebook App ID - Open Graph fb:app_id property on both Global and Item presets.
- Improved the Eorisis framework.
- Improved performance.
- Improved UTF-8 support.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(5 October 2018)
- Fixed an issue of the Metadata Categories Finder Plugin, that would prevent Smart Search Indexing to complete, with the core Smart Search plugin enabled, due to recent Joomla core changes (reported by Michael).
- Minor changes/improvements.

(4 September 2018)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(24 August 2018)
- Improved auth_groups() for compatibility with the recent Joomla core changes.
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(27 July 2018)
- Joomla 4.0.0-alpha4 is now set to be the latest Joomla version.
- Updated backend for Joomla 4.0.0-alpha4. Joomla 4.0.0-alpha4 core has very bad Twitter Bootstrap edits. You are advised NOT to upgrade to Joomla 4 before it becomes stable.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(25 July 2018)
- Multilingual site missing Content Language can lead to frontend error. This is a Joomla core issue but bypassed in the extension (reported by Michael).

(27 June 2018)
- The system plugin will now bypass execution on both the core installer and CMS Update system in the backend.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(25 June 2018)
- Better retrieval of language data for multilingual site setups.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(21 June 2018)
- Applied an extra check to avoid possible backend error on Joomla 4.0.0-alpha4-dev (reported by Jos).
- Minor changes/improvements.

Note: Joomla 4 CMS is not ready yet, it is currently for testing only. Read about Joomla 4 current state.

(27 May 2018)
- Fully compatible with Joomla 4.
- Removed Edit button from the listings toolbar.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements concerning backend.

Note: The update makes the extension Joomla 4 compatible and also has some backend improvements for both Joomla 3 and 4. No frontend code had to change.

(17 May 2018)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(9 May 2018)

Note: This is a big update that introduces various new features and major changes. During the update process, all your Open Graph elements created in the Elements section will be moved to the new Open Graph Elements section. It is recommended to get a backup of your site before you upgrade.

- Added Canonical URLs section with categories.
- Moved Open Graph to their own section with their own categories.
- Added View Access Levels to the Global Open Graph metadata section.
- Added a Custom option for the Open Graph Type.
- Added Dynamic and Canonical options for the Open Graph URL.
- Added Lower Case option for the Canonical URLs in the Preferences.
- Added All as option to the Canonical URLs View Access Levels in the Preferences.
- Added Page Relative URI option for the Area of elements, with options for Case Sensitive and Is/Has/Starts With/Ends With.
- Added Side Bar On/Off option in the Preferences.
- Added Dashboard link on the toolbar.
- When the site has more than 2 languages, the Open Graph og:locale:alternate now works as expected.
- The Elements section is now called Custom Elements.
- The Attributes section is now called Custom Attributes.
- Improved performance.
- Improved installer.
- Improved layout.
- Major changes/improvements.

(1 May 2018)
- Added Canonical URLs options in the Preferences.
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(23 April 2018)
- Added "Exclude Article Categories" to the All HTML Pages option of the Area of an Element or Hreflang with extra options.
- Added "Exclude Contact Categories" to the All HTML Pages option of the Area of an Element or Hreflang with extra options.
- Added "Article IDs" as option of the Area of an Element or Hreflang with Include/Exclude options.
- Added "Article Categories" as option of the Area of an Element or Hreflang with Include/Exclude options.
- Added "Contact Categories" as option of the Area of an Element or Hreflang with Include/Exclude options.
- Added "3rd Party Components" as option (detected components) of the Area of an Element or Hreflang with options.
- Added Changelog button on the toolbars with options.
- Added UI Layout options.
- Added more Greek translations.
- Various changes/improvements.

(18 April 2018)
- A minor change to avoid strange Joomla behaviors with language codes.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(17 April 2018)
- The Hreflang Language Code is no longer restricted to be lowercase.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(17 April 2018)
- Implemented Hreflang Elements and Categories.
- Added functionality related to the Joomla core System - Language Code plugin.
- Added functionality related to the Joomla core System - Language Filter plugin.
- Added Language Codes.
- Added Language tab in the Preferences area with options for Hreflang and Language Codes.
- Added Notices & Warnings tab in the Interface options.
- Removed Aliases.
- Improved Installer.
- Added more Greek translations.
- Various changes/improvements.

(10 April 2018)
- Added options for dynamic scan of multiple images for Open Graph from Directory (Dropdown Menu).
- Added options for dynamic scan of multiple images for Open Graph from multiple paths (Textarea Field).
- Added options for Open Graph Images using Joomla Custom Fields (Media). Joomla 3.7 or higher.
- Added the og:image:alt attribute for Open Graph Image elements as well as various dynamic options for it.
- Auto detection of image information is now possible on all custom URLs.
- Added extra check for Absolute URL entry when saving custom URLs for the Open Graph Images.
- Added more Greek translations.
- Various changes/improvements.

(3 April 2018)
- Added URI Versioning option to the Open Graph Image for the Global Metadata options as well as the Element Content options.
- Added the extra og:image:url attribute for Open Graph images, to avoid issues with misconfigured bots.
- Minor changes to avoid common Joomla bugs.

(22 March 2018)
- Added Documentation Buttons option in the Interface preferences area (Modal/Popup/Hide).
- Removed the default Joomla Help popup button from the component Options page, due to Joomla core behaviour.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(9 October 2017)
- Added link to eorisis Metadata on the Joomla! Extensions Directory on the Dashboard information panel in the backend.
- Added Greek transaltion (partially).
- Minor changes/improvements.

(7 June 2017)
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(30 May 2017)
- Open Graph Image custom URLs can now also accept absolute URL paths in the fields, starting with https:// or http://.
- Added eorisis: Metadata Categories (Finder Plugin) as part of the extension package to handle category indexing when necessary.
- Added the eorisis: Setup (Installer Plugin) to the package of the initial installation (Package Independent).
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(23 May 2017)
- Added Open Graph options section (Global Metadata).
- Added Preferences options section (Global Metadata, Page Titles, URLs).
- Added Interface options section.
- Moved the Content Rights option to the Preferences section.
- Moved Element List and Attribute List tabs to the Interface section.
- Renamed the Authentication tab to Updates tab in the component Options.
- Added Open Graph option to the Attribute of an Element with various of extended options.
- Added Dynamic and Open Graph options alongside Custom and None, with extended options for the Content of an Element.
- Added extended Dynamic options for the Value of an Attribute.
- Added Page Title, Meta Description, Site Name, URL, Language Code with extra options for the Dynamic Content of an Element.
- Added Site Name, Title, Description, URL, Type, Locale, Locale Alternates, Image, Determiner, Facebook Admins options in both the Open Graph section (Global Metadata) and the Element.
- Added Page, Content Language and Global Configuration options for the Dynamic Meta Description in both the Element Content and the Attribute Value options.
- Added Page and Main Site options for the Dynamic URL in both the Element Content and the Attribute Value options.
- Added Default, Content Language Tag (Default, Dash, Underscore), Content Language URL Code, Language Code Plugin options for the Dynamic Language Code in both the Element Content and the Attribute Value options.
- Added a drop-down menu for the Open Graph Type option with all possible options, in both the Open Graph section (Global Metadata) and the Element.
- Added Locale Alternates option for auto detection and generation of the appropriate meta elements on multilingual sites, in both the Open Graph section (Global Metadata) and the Element.
- Added extended options for the Open Graph Image such as Media (popup selection), Custom (URLs), URLs scheme auto detection or custom options, Image Info auto detection and generation of the appropriate meta elements, extra Custom fields, in both the Open Graph section (Global Metadata) and the Element.
- Added Exclude option for an Element that is set to "All HTML Pages".
- Added Title meta element option in the Preferences section.
- Added options to edit/hide the Generator elements and attributes, in HTML, RSS and ATOM Feeds in the Preferences section.
- Added Page Title & Site Name Separator option in the Preferences section. Allows for the use of a custom separator.
- Added Homepage Title (HTML), Homepage Title (Feeds), and Offline Page Title options in the Preferences section.
- Added FQDN option in the Preferences section.
- Added extra information to the Element listings in the Backend.
- Added Popover descriptions on each section link in the Dashboard.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(8 May 2017)
- Released

Software Created: 7 March 2017