Analytics for Joomla: Changelog

Software: Analytics

Platform: Joomla
GA4 / Google Tag & Google Tag Manager, EU GDPR Compliant website integration with the Google Analytics platform and APIs. Learn More.

(January 8, 2025)
- Added 'Auto' option to all Cookie 'Secure' settings. It auto-detects if the site uses HTTPS and sets the cookies accordingly.
- Now using separate SSL notifications for Google's cookie and Opt-Out cookie.

(December 16, 2024)
- Improved installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(December 9, 2024)
- Compatibility with Joomla 5.3 - tested on Joomla 5.3.0-alpha2-dev.
- Implemented notification system.
- Improved notifications when GA4 ID or GTM ID is not set.
- Improved UI.
- Various changes/improvements.

(December 5, 2024)
- Compatibility with PHP 8.4 - tested on PHP 8.4.1 on Linux.
- URLs were being converted to lowercase in Traffic Filters. This is now fixed.
- Skipping the hostname check in TOR detection used by Traffic Filters to improve performance.

(November 2, 2024)
- Improved the cookie class.
- Improved cookie deletion.
- Added web.config files to restrict access for IIS.
- Various changes/improvements.

(September 25, 2024)
- URL and link changes.

(July 30, 2024)
- Added GPC Support (Global Privacy Control) to Consent Mode v2.
- Added Restricted Data Processing (RDP) for GA4 / Google Tag (Measurement > Privacy tab).
- Various changes/improvements.

(July 26, 2024)
- Fixed a bug caused by Joomla core changes in Joomla 4 or higher, affecting setups in sub-directories unable to load media in the HEAD section, resulting in broken UI (reported by Pere).

(July 15, 2024)
- Added Google Consent Mode v2, for both GA4/Google Tag and Google Tag Manager, with individual options for: ad_user_data, ad_personalization, ad_storage, analytics_storage, functionality_storage, personalization_storage, security_storage.
- Added 'Retain Code' option. When utilizing Google Consent Mode v2 this option is particularly useful.
- Added 'Retain Cookies' option. Retain or delete GA cookies from the visitor's browser when they do not consent or reject Analytics.
- Added new section named Consent.
- The Area tab in items has been renamed to Assignment.
- Various changes/improvements.

(July 5, 2024)
- Improved select and multi-select menus for Joomla 4 or higher.
- Moved the Area tab to the first position in items.
- Improved TOR caching and moved the caching location to /administrator/cache.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(July 3, 2024)
- Removed week numbers from calendars.
- Tested up to Joomla 6.0.0-alpha1-dev.
- Various changes/improvements.

(June 28, 2024)
- Added Cloudflare Country detection in the Traffic Filters.
- The IP Address in Traffic Filters can now be checked against all conditions, not only 'Equals' / 'Does not equal'.
- Improved the category helper classes.
- Various changes/improvements.

(June 20, 2024)
- Changed the default values of URL Parameters in Campaigns to the GA legacy as used by GA4 to avoid confusion.
- Enabling Campaigns could cause the frontend to crash. This is now fixed.
- Various changes/improvements.

(June 15, 2024)
- Calling valid::ipv4() would fail in the measurement class when using a CIDR filter (reported by Thomas). This is now fixed.
- The Traffic Filters option in the Measurement section now defaults to 'Use All Filters' to avoid confusion when creating Traffic Filters.

(June 10, 2024)
- Eorisis Google Analytics is now Eorisis Analytics. See note below. Learn More.
- Complete rerwite of the code.
- Full Eorisis Framework refactoring.
- Removed code from the Eorisis Framework for old versions of Joomla that was never used.
- Integration with Eorisis Consent. Note that Eorisis Consent is the progress of Eorisis Cookie Bar, which is no longer supported.
- Added 'Integrate with Eorisis Consent' option in the Opt-Out section.
- Implemented Traffic Filters. Exclude/include traffic by IP Address, CIDR, Hostname, User Agent, Referrer, Local Server, LAN, Cloudflare, TOR.
- Removed Exclude Traffic section as it is now replaced by the more advanced Traffic Filters.
- The TOR list cache file changed from txt to json.
- The ga-optout CSS class has changed to analytics-optout. If you already use the optout link in your documents you need to update it in your documents to analytics-optout, or set it to ga-optout in the backend of the component.
- Changed the Eorisis Update System URL to the new update system server.
- Paths in the media directory have been reorganized.
- Default Session Cookie path is set to Root: /. Added extra option 'Current' which uses the current Joomla install directory in case Joomla is installed in a sub directory and the admin needs to restrict the cookie.
- Improved the cookie cleanup mechanism on optout.
- Keep active tab on Joomla 4 or higher.
- Fixed a bug in the backend UI section loading the Side Bar menus option from the wrong directory.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong order of strings were given to strstr() in the extract class, relative_uri() method.
- Fixed backend textarea fields that could not resize vertically.
- Forcing view_list in the component controllers to avoid Joomla core bug.
- Skipping Joomla core helper class as it is not used anymore.
- Removed jimport as it is not needed anymore.
- Fixed jQuery warnings in some areas of the backend for Joomla 4 or higher.
- The Google Ads section is renamed to Advertising. This also helps avoiding Adblock issues in the backend.
- Updated documentation (app, online).
- Avoiding PHP's Empty delimiter notice if the needle is empty when the user input is not correct (find class).
- Avoiding false positives in the find class when the user input is not correct.
- Removed Joomla Session option.
- Removed Joomla menu sub menus.
- Sidebar items have been removed in Joomla 3.
- Removed old Joomla version warning.
- Installation of individual extensions of the package is now fully rejected to avoid user mistakes that lead to broken a installation.
- Improved language constants.
- Improved installer.
- Improved performance.
- Improved the User Interface.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.
- Compatible with Joomla 6, 5, 4, 3 -- tested on Joomla up to version 6.0.0-alpha-dev.
- Compatible/Tested on PHP 8.3.8, 8.2.20, 8.1.29, 7.4.33, 7.3.33, 7.2.34, 7.1.33, 7.0.33.
- Various changes/improvements.

Note: If you are currently running Eorisis Google Analytics you cannot directly update to Eorisis Analytics, as it requires an initial manual installation (as a separate extension). Remember to disable or uninstall Eorisis Google Analytics, do not run both. Feel free to contact support if you need help. If you encounter any bug feel free to report it directly.

(February 5, 2024)
- Improved installer.
- Added Close button in the dashboard.
- Tested up to 5.1.0-alpha4-dev Joomla version.
- Various changes/improvements.

(January 4, 2024)
- Fix for the Joomla core notice Deprecated: setcookie(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($value) of type string in Joomla 4.4 or higher.
- Added Adblock Notice in the backend Dashboard.
- Added Quick Start Notice in the backend Dashboard.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(January 3, 2024)
- Compatibility with PHP 8.3. Tested on PHP 8.3.1.
- Added option Clear Frontend Cache in the Preferences. When Joomla Global Configuration has caching enabled, activating this option ensures that the Frontend cache is automatically cleared during actions like saving.
- Improved the cache() method in the Installer's cms class for compatibility with the native framework of Joomla 4.3 or higher.
- Side Bar Menus option in the User Interface section in the backend is now also available for Joomla 5/4. Defaults to Off.
- Improved Dark Mode compatibility for Joomla 5 backend.
- Improved Joomla 5 backend layout.
- Tested up to 5.1.0-alpha3-dev.
- Various changes/improvements.

(November 30, 2023)
- Compatible with the upcoming Joomla 5.1, tested on 5.1.0-alpha2-dev.
- Better sanitization of URLs to avoid some UTF-8 rare scenarios.
- Various changes/improvements.

(August 18, 2023)
- Resolved a bug within Joomla 4 and later versions, that would trigger a PHP warning upon uninstalling the extension.
- Optimization/Performance improvements.

(August 17, 2023)
- Removed Universal Analytics. Universal Analytics properties have stopped processing data on July 1, 2023 by Google.
- Removed Universal Analytics option: Force SSL (HTTPS).
- Removed Universal Analytics option: Testing on localhost.
- Removed Universal Analytics option: Cookie Path (Cookies section).
- Removed Universal Analytics option: Display Advertising (Tracker).
- Removed Universal Analytics option: Domain Type (Domains section).
- Removed the Legacy Universal Analytics parameters for Campaigns. Defaults set to GA4 / Google Tag (GTAG): utm_campaign, utm_source, utm_medium, utm_term, utm_content, utm_id.
- Performance improvements.
- Various changes/improvements.

(July 11, 2023)
- Handling of all new changes introduced in Joomla 5.0.0-alpha3-dev. *
- Refactored the Eorisis compatibility layer that handles Joomla versions. This also reduced complexity and improved performance.
- Fixed a bug related to UTF-8 characters.
- Fixed a bug affecting some backend sections causing an error in Joomla 3.7.5 or older.
- Fixed a backend UI problem related to On/Off buttons in Joomla 3.7.5 or older.
- Improved Performance.
- Various changes/improvements.

* Important: Please take note that the installation of this update is essential in order to ensure compatibility with the forthcoming Joomla 5, as it is crucial to address the modifications found in Joomla 5.0.0-alpha3-dev. It is important to emphasize that Joomla 5 CMS is currently in the Alpha stage and, as such, it is not yet advisable for use in production environments.

(June 10, 2023)
- Implemented Google Tag Manager as an extra property.
- Added TCF Support / IAB Transparency and Consent Framework v2 to Google Tag and Google Tag Manager.
- Optimization/Performance improvements.
- Various changes/improvements.

(June 6, 2023)
- Tested up to the currently latest PHP 8.2.6, 8.1.19, 8.0.28, 7.4.33, 7.3.33, 7.2.34, 7.1.33, 7.0.33 on Linux.
- Fixed PHP warnings related to preprocessForm() and _getAssetParentId() on PHP 7.1 or older.
- Tested up to the currently latest Joomla 5.0.0-alpha1, 4.4.0-alpha1, and 4.3.2.
- Optimization/Performance improvements.

(April 28, 2023)
- Compatibility with Joomla 4.3.0, 4.4.x and 5.x.
- Refined string sanitization to handle the & character more effectively.
- Various changes/improvements.

(March 16, 2023)
- Tested compatibility with Joomla 4.4.x.
- Improved curl class. Better compatibility with modern PHP.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(4 February 2023)
- Fixed a bug where the backend would contain the tracking code, if there were no other exclusions. (Reported by Miguel)

(30 January 2023)
- URI sanitization could result in broken URLs in some cases. This is now fixed.
- General maintenance.
- Various changes/improvements.

(27 October 2022)
- Added extra check for servers with missing PHP packages that lead to an error related to the core PHP class IntlDateFormatter.
(Reported by David).

(19 October 2022)
- Compatibility with Joomla 5.0 and 4.3.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.1 and 8.2.
- Improved the cloudflare class for better compatibility with the latest cloudflared on Linux servers.
- Improved the time class.
- Various changes/improvements.

(22 September 2022)
- Compatible with the latest PHP versions 8.1.10 and 8.2.0RC2.
- Improved time class.
- Improved exceptions class and error handling.
- Any framework possible errors/warnings/notices now get written in error_log on the server drive.
- Various changes/improvements.

(29 July 2022)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.2.0-rc1.
- Joomla 4.2 would throw a Warning related to JForm in the preprocessForm() methods, due to J4.2 framework changes. This is now fixed.
- Set missing Opt-Out editor button icon in Joomla 4 when using TinyMCE editor.
- The Opt-Out editor button would appear in Eorisis component categories in the backend for no reason. This is now fixed.
- The factory class now returns a new instance of a class.
- Better handling of possible errors and error messages.
- Improved the filesystem class.
- Replaced scandir() with RecursiveDirectoryIterator.
- Improved language file loading functionality. Special language files are also moved inside the framework directory.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(20 May 2022)
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Various improvements.

(6 April 2022)
- Compatibility with Joomla 4.2.0-alpha2-dev.
- Fixed protection of last category deletion in Joomla 4.
- Removed Option Animations (Backend) option for Joomla 3. It is now set to no-animation.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Various UI improvements.
- Various changes/improvements.

(27 January 2022)
- Added options in the Cookie section for cookie flags SameSite and Secure. Note that in order to avoid browser warnings and issues in the future, you need to set SameSite to None, and Secure to On.
- Improved the ACL/Permissions section for Joomla 4 - Text descriptions have been removed from the Joomla 4 core, added back those used by the extension.
- Compatibility with Joomla 4.1.0-beta3.
- Auth Token has been renamed to Authorization Code for the Update system. This will change site-wide after the release of the update.
- Moved Update options in its own section with a new button at the Dashboard's top bar.
- Added separate permissions for the Updates section.
- The Options button is now renamed to Permissions since it only contains the extension's permissions.
- Added Support button on the top toolbar.
- Removed Sidebar Menus from Joomla 4, since the main Joomla 4 sidebar exists.
- Removed Chosen from Joomla 3.
- Disabled Auth API due to Google's major changes.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved backend UI.
- Various changes/improvements.

(7 December 2021)
- Added "Does not equal, Does not contain, Does not start with, Does not end with" to the "Area > Page Relative URI" for items.
- Added monospaced font in the backend to improve code or numeric field inputs.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved documentation and documentation presentation within the extension.
- Improved backend UI.
- Various changes/improvements.

Note: A core Joomla bug was introduced in Joomla 4.0.4 related to component categories, where PHP throws the following notices:
Notice: Undefined variable: ref_key in /administrator/components/com_categories/src/View/Categories/HtmlView.php on line 302
Notice: Undefined variable: url in /administrator/components/com_categories/src/View/Categories/HtmlView.php on line 318
Notice: Undefined variable: url in /administrator/components/com_categories/src/View/Categories/HtmlView.php on line 328
This bug is fixed in Joomla 4.0.5:

(27 October 2021)
- Fixed fonts URI in the backend.

(26 October 2021)
- The extension is compatible with the upcoming Joomla 4.1.x. Tested on Joomla 4.1.0-alpha1.
- Unpublished items in Joomla 4 might throw an error related to zero date values on save in the backend, depending on server config. This is now fixed.
- Added backend warning for Joomla versions older than 4 and 3.10.
- Improved date comparison of items in the backend.
- Improved backend error handling.
- Improved backend UI.
- Improved Documentation and Changelog modals in the backend (Joomla 4).
- Removed the Options Button option from the User Interface options. It is now always visible in the Dashboard only.
- Various changes/improvements.

(7 September 2021)
- Removed all Joomla 4 alpha and beta version support. Full support for the stable Joomla 4.x and 3.x.
- Added jQuery library option in the Preferences.
- Fixed the Ajax request in the Joomla 4 backend, in the Opt-Out section, when no jQuery is loaded.
- Autocomplete is now off on all input and select elements in the backend.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(17 August 2021)
- Tested on all Joomla versions including the new Joomla 4.0.0 and 3.10.0.
- Eorisis framework refactoring phase 2.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(20 July 2021)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-RC5-Dev.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 3.10.0-Alpha10-Dev.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(21 June 2021)
- The Eorisis framework is now PSR-4 compliant.
- Added GA4 (Google Analytics 4) alongside Global Site Tag.
- Eorisis framework namespace and class refactoring.
- Improved Stability.
- Improved Performance.
- Tested on Joomla 4.0.0-rc3-dev.
- Tested on Joomla 3.10.0-alpha8-dev
- Various changes/improvements.

(17 May 2021)
- Fixed a bug affecting individual items that use Use Global / On / Off states.
- Improved Stability.
- Improved Performance.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(11 May 2021)
- Avoiding rare case of error on misconfigured servers.
- Extra check for missing db data during installation.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(19 April 2021)
- Implemented TOR network internal detection using the official real-time TOR bulk exit list and Cloudflare.
- Implemented caching functionality for the TOR bulk exit list.
- Implemented Cloudflare network internal detection using the official CIDR IPv4 and IPv6 Cloudflare ranges.
- Added cURL functionality.
- Added Exclude Traffic > Via/From Cloudflare option in the General tab.
- Added Exclude Traffic > Via/From TOR option in the General tab.
- Added Exclude Traffic > Via/From Local Server option in the General tab.
- Added Exclude Traffic > Via/From LAN option in the General tab.
- Added cURL Warnings option in the Interface section.
- Removed experimental backend UI Buttons Style from Joomla 4.
- Backend UI Buttons Size is now not available for Joomla 4.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta8-dev.
- Improved the Dashboard layout.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.0.
- Avoiding errors on servers running PHP versions older than 7.2.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Code cleanup.
- Various changes/improvements.
Tested on PHP 8.0.3, 7.4.16, 7.3.27, 7.2.34, 7.1.33, 7.0.33

(20 March 2021)
- Improved compatibility with Microsoft/Windows servers.
- Avoid installation error on servers running PHP 5.6 or older, display a proper warning and abort installation.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Stability.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.
Note: If you use browser plugins, such as Adblock, you may experience problems in the backend, such as a blank Google Ads section. This is not a bug of the extension, but a result of browser plugins detecting Google Ads/Analytics keywords on the page. In this case, either whitelist your domain or disable such browser plugins.

(9 February 2021)
- Dropped support for PHP 5.6.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.0.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-Beta7.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Installer.
- Tested compatibility with Joomla 3.10.0-Alpha5.
- Various changes/improvements.

(12 January 2021)
- Tightened security.
- Full support for PHP 8.0 (released on 24 November 2020).
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta6-dev.
- Various changes/improvements.

(2 October 2020)
- WebAssetManager compatibility for Joomla 4 and Joomla 5.
- Various changes/improvements.

(3 September 2020)
- Avoid error for PHP versions equal or older than 7.0.x, due to restrictions implemented in version 4.4.3 (reported by Beat).
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Various changes/improvements.

(28 August 2020)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-Beta3.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved Performance.
- Minimum PHP Version raised to 5.6.0.
- Various changes/improvements.

(13 May 2020)
- Improved XTD Opt-Out button.
- Bypassing core PHP bug in DateTime().
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta1-dev.
- Minimum PHP Version raised to 5.4.0.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Various changes/improvements.

(7 April 2020)
- Confirmed full support for PHP 7.4. Tested on PHP 7.4.4 (released on 17 March 2020) on Linux servers. *
- Added support for PHP's ZipArchive to the installer. It will now fallback to zip module.
- Improved Installer.
* Note: In case you run PHP 7.4 on your server, it may not be compiled with zip support. In the case that your host has compiled PHP from source, as of PHP 7.4.0 the server admin must compile PHP with zip support by using the --with-zip configure option. If you face problems running PHP 7.4 on your site, then your host has not fully and/or correctly compiled PHP 7.4. In this case it is recommended to fallback to an older PHP version such as PHP 7.3.

(5 April 2020)
- Implemented Initial State handler with integratated Cookie Bar.
- Added Initial State (On/Off) option in Opt-Out.
- Added Eorisis cookie class with support for SameSite (None, Lax, Strict) for all PHP versions. The Joomla core Cookie class since version 3.9.9 only supports the SameSite attribute on PHP versions equal or greater than 7.3.
- Added a new tab Cookie in the Opt-Out global options.
- Moved Cookie Expires option in the global options Opt-Out > Cookie tab.
- Opt-Out Cookie Expires default value is now set to 1 year.
- Removed the Opt-Out Cookie Expires option from the Items/Tracker options.
- Added Name option in the global options Opt-Out > Cookie tab.
- Added Name Encryption option in the global options Opt-Out > Cookie tab.
- Added Domain option in the global options Opt-Out > Cookie tab.
- Added Path option in the global options Opt-Out > Cookie tab.
- Added Secure option in the global options Opt-Out > Cookie tab.
- Added HTTP Only option in the global options Opt-Out > Cookie tab.
- Added SameSite (None, Lax, Strict) option in the global options Opt-Out > Cookie tab.
- Added SSL Warnings in the administration area to prevent misconfigured Secure Cookie option on plain HTTP sites.
- Removed JavaScript Function Name option in Opt-Out. Replaced functionality with Ajax request and a special cookie that gets removed when the Initial State is Off.
- Now when a user/visitor opts out, all Google Analytics cookies get deleted (to be improved), and no GA code gets set on the site.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved compatibility with older versions of Joomla.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Various changes/improvements.

(24 February 2020)
- Improved item's Area > Components selection.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta1-dev.
- Improved compatibility with older versions of Joomla.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved language files.
- Avoid error in the backend control panel > Options page when the system plugin is disabled.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(24 January 2020)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta1-dev.
- Improved language files.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(21 January 2020)
- Added option Option Animations in Interface area for Joomla 3.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta1-dev.
- Improved compatibility with older versions of Joomla.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved Fields.
- Improved backend item sorting.
- Improved language files.
- Improved item's Area > Components selection.
- Improved Greek translations.
- Strict input fields for text, such as Tracking ID, Conversion Label and more.
- Display warning when attempting to delete a category that is the only category of a section.
- Avoid PHP warning when an item's Area is set to Page Relative URI but no String is set.
- Fixed incorrect UI Layout Colors option check (Joomla 3).
- Various changes/improvements.

(1 November 2019)
- Full compatibility with the new UI code changes in Joomla 4.0.0-alpha12.
- Minor changes/improvements.
Note: Joomla 4.0.0-alpha12 core would produce an error originating from the WebAssetManager, while core extensions such as the Login Module are enabled in the frontend. This is an incomplete/buggy behavior in the current alpha versions of the Joomla 4 framework. In case you encouter the above error in the frontend, disabling the Login Module will allow the Joomla framework to execute properly, until the WebAssetManager is fully removed or fixed. Another error is caused by the onContentBeforeSave method in core plugins missing the $data variable, in various cases when saving extension data in the backend. Core plugins that cause the error are Content Joomla, Content Smart Search and Action Log Joomla. Disabling these plugins bypasses the problem of Joomla 4. It is once again strongly recommended to use Joomla 4 for testing purposes ONLY.

(8 October 2019)
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.

(12 September 2019)
- Added Auth Token check notice in the Dashboard.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(7 June 2019)
- Added Conversion Label for Google Ads that are set to use Google Tag Manager via the Google control panel.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(24 May 2019)
- On initial/new installs, the installer will now not force utf8mb4_unicode_ci collate on database table creation, but follow the host's database defaults to avoid problems with unmaintained and messy databases. It is now up to the admin of the site to have a modern and correct database setup.
- Improved XML methods.
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(13 May 2019)
- The Interface > Misc tab has been renamed to General and is now first.
- Updated logo.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(8 May 2019)
- Implemented integration with the Google Analytics API and Embed API using OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. Obtain OAuth 2.0 client credentials from the Google API Console. For more information, see the authentication documentation.
- Added Access API option to the Dashboard, Sidebar and the main menu of the component.
- Added API section to the Dashboard, Sidebar and the main menu of the component.
- Added On/Off and OAuth 2.0 Client ID options in the API > General tab.
- Added Google Analytics: Account options such as Selector/Custom, Account, View, Table ID (ids) in the API > Account tab.
(Use Account Explorer to search or browse through your accounts, properties, and views, see what accounts you have access to, and find the IDs that you need for the Google Analytics API.)
- Added Charts. Options for creating and embedding charts such as Chart Type (Geo, Pie, Line, Column, Bar, Table), Pie Hole size, Dimensions (Country, City, Date), Max Results, Font Size, custom Title, in the API > Charts tab.
- Added Dates options, such as Start Date (Days Ago, Calendar), End Date (Today, Yesterday, Calendar), in the API > Dates tab.
- Added Metrics options. You can select to display Users, Page Views, Bounce Rate, Sessions, Average Session Duration, New Sessions Percent, Page Views Per Sessions in the Charts, as well as an option for default Sorting, in the API > Metrics tab.
- Moved all button options from the Interface > Misc tab, to a new tab Buttons.
- Added API Button option in the Interface > Buttons tab. Select the visibility of the API button on the toolbars. The button opens a modal window, through which you can also access the Google Analytics API.
- Added API Notices option in the Interface > Notices & Warnings tab.
- Added ACL Permissions for Access Google Analytics API and Edit Google Analytics API for all Joomla User Groups in the component's Options section.
- Strengthened the ACL Permission system of the component. All sections of the component now have their own ACL Permissions for all Joomla User Groups separately. This means that if a Manager could previously access the Global Tracking options of the component by having Administrator ACL, now the Manager cannot (by default), unless a Super User sets this permission for that section and the specific User Group. If you allow multiple User Groups to access the Administrator area of this component, you are encouraged to take the time and check the new ACL Permissions that have been added in the Options > Permissions section (the Options button is on the upper right of the toolbar).
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Tracking Global Options.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Google Ads Global Options.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Campaigns Global Options.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Enhanced Link Attribution Global Options.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Cookies Global Options.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Domains Global Options.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Opt-Out Global Options.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Exclude Traffic Global Options.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Global Preferences.
- Added separate ACL Permissions: Edit Interface.
- Improved the position of the toolbar buttons in Joomla 3.
- Various other improvements.

(3 May 2019)
Notice: You need the latest version of the Setup Installer plugin installed in order to update to this version directly from your website. Just make sure you update the Setup Installer plugin first.
- Updated Setup Installer to version 2.5.0 to handle package direct update.
- Switched to Package in the Update system.

(2 May 2019)
Notice: You need the latest version of the Setup Installer plugin installed in order to update to this version directly from your website. Just make sure you update the Setup Installer plugin first.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.
- Improved compatibility with old PHP versions.
- Improved installer.
- The default Side Bar Menus value for Joomla 4 is now set to Off.
- Various improvements.

(22 April 2019)
Notice: This is a major update which can only be installed manually. This version of the extension cannot be installed using the Joomla Update system. To install this update you need Joomla 3.6.0 or higher. The extension has been fully redesigned and now includes a Joomla Component written with MVC Architecture, with full ACL and permissions system, fully native. Detailed work and extensive testing have been done to provide a stable version and expanded abilities. Since these new features are now part of the software, there will be future updates for further expansion.
- Implemented Joomla Component.
- Implemented full ACL and permissions system.
- Added Trackers section to the Component.
- Added Tracker Categories to the Component.
- Moved all options from the System Plugin to the Component.
- Added Preferences and Interface (UI) options to the Component.
- Tracking is now a separate section in the Dashboard.
- Google Ads is now a separate section in the Dashboard.
- Campaigns is now a separate section in the Dashboard.
- Opt-Out is now a separate section in the Dashboard.
- Exclude Traffic is now a separate section in the Dashboard.
- Enhanced Link Attribution is now a separate section in the Dashboard.
- Domains is now a separate section in the Dashboard.
- Cookies is now a separate section in the Dashboard.
- Trackers now have all functionality as individual items as well.
- Code Position default setting is now Head.
- The Respect DNT option moved to Tracking.
- The Testing on localhost option moved to Tracking.
- The Display Features option moved to Google Ads > Advertising.
- Renamed option Container DIV Class to Container CSS Class.
- Improved the method the tracking code is being set.
- Strengthened Security.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved installer.
- Improved Greek translations.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.
- Improved UI.
- Code cleanup.
- Major changes/improvements.

(26 March 2019)
- Improved Joomla 4 UI compatibility.
- Added UI Buttons Style option for Joomla 4.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(19 March 2019)
- Improved installer (Extensive testing).
- Improved UI.
- Added the extension logo in the Dashboard.

(16 March 2019)
- An installer bug would abort installation with an error, under specific conditions (reported by Mauricio).

(4 March 2019)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(5 February 2019)
- Fixed a bug introduced in version 3.4.0, causing a javascript error and was preventing data to be sent to Google Analytics.
(Reported by Stephane and Bernhard)

(20 January 2019)
- Integrated with the Eorisis Cookie Bar extension and provides extra Opt-Out functionality to visitors.
- Improved installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(8 January 2019)
- Added Campaigns for both Global Site Tag and Universal Analytics. A new Campaign tab will appear.
- Added URL Parameters option (Global Site Tag / Legacy / Custom) in the Campaign tab.
- Added Campaign Custom URL Parameters options, with all available URL parameter names.
- Added Conversion Tracking options. A new Google Ads tab will appear.
- Added Conversion ID field in Google Ads tab, for the Global Site Tag.
- Added Send Page View option in Google Ads tab, for the Global Site Tag.
- Added Conversion linker option in Google Ads tab, for the Global Site Tag.
- Added Remarketing Data Collection option (Allow / Disallow) in the Google Ads tab, for the Global Site Tag.
- Improved installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(3 January 2019)
- Compatibility with PHP 7.3.
- The installer would not report the correct text for Method Used after installation (introduced in v3.2.1). It now does.
- Improved installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(23 December 2018)
- Added caching check in the backend in order to provide warnings in case caching is setup incorrectly by the webmaster.
- Improved installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(21 November 2018)
- Improved the Eorisis framework.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla versions 3.6.5 or older.
- Some backend field validation entries in the xml would not work in old Joomla versions such as 3.1.6 or older, they now do.
- The Opt-Out editor button's javascript would not insert the code snippet in articles on Joomla versions 3.6.5 or older. It now does.
- Added Warnings On/Off option in the Advanced tab.
- Various changes/improvements. Extensively tested on the current PHP 7.2.12 all the way back to PHP 5.6.38 on Linux and Windows.
Note: Joomla 4.0.0-alpha5 core has various backend issues that didn't exist in alpha4. Joomla 4 CMS is not ready yet, it is currently for testing only. Read More.

(1 November 2018)
- Improved Installer.
- The extension title is now being displayed properly in Joomla 3.9 "Action Logs - Latest" in the backend. Note that there are still various Joomla core bugs with language text in Action Logs.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(23 October 2018)
- Improved UTF-8 support.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(16 October 2018)
- Improved performance.
- Improved the Eorisis framework.

(19 September 2018)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(4 September 2018)
- Better retrieval of language data for multilingual site setups.
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(24 August 2018)
- Improved Installer.
- Updated Documentation.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(27 July 2018)
- Joomla 4.0.0-alpha4 is now set to be the latest Joomla version.
- Updated backend for Joomla 4.0.0-alpha4. Joomla 4.0.0-alpha4 core has very bad Twitter Bootstrap edits. You are advised NOT to upgrade to Joomla 4 before it becomes stable.

(9 July 2018)
- Fixed and issue preventing MS Windows IIS or Windows XAMPP setups to enter the extension backend page (reported by James).

(27 June 2018)
- The system plugin will now bypass execution on both the core installer and CMS Update system in the backend.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(9 June 2018)
- Provided a tiny workaround to bypass problems caused by poorly written Joomla extensions (Reported by Regina).
Note: Eorisis will not provide code fixes when issues originate from 3rd party extensions, unless it is a very small workaround that has no performance impact. You are encouraged to check well what software you run on your website and always take the time to report issues.

(3 June 2018)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(16 May 2018)
- When DNT enabled, it was preventing Opt-Out JavaScript to execute due to a wrong check. This is fixed.

(16 May 2018)
- The minimum Joomla version requirement changed from 1.6.0 to 2.5.4.
- Switched the installer to Package Installer.
- An Editors-XTD plugin is now part of the package. Enables a button that allows you to insert the Google Analytics Opt-Out code snippet into Articles, if Opt-Out is enabled.
- The Container DIV Class eo-optout has changed to ga-optout and can also be manually changed via the control panel.
- Moved the Opt-Out options in a new tab Opt-Out.
- Added Public Text Opt-Out option with Content Languages (default multilingual), or Custom (non multilingual).
- Opt-Out option is now On by default.
- Tracking Method is now Global Site Tag by default.
- IP Anonymization is now On by default.
- Corrected a CSS issue with popover help baloons appearing small since the last update.
- Added Admin Buttons Size option.
- Improved Joomla 4 layout.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(12 May 2018)
- Improved performance.
- Better compatibility with Joomla 4.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(29 April 2018)
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(26 April 2018)
- Added Global Site Tag (gtag.js).
- Added IP Anonymization for Global Site Tag (gtag.js).
- Added Enhanced Link Attribution for Global Site Tag (gtag.js).
- Added Rename the gtag/global object for Global Site Tag (gtag.js).
- Added Cookies for Global Site Tag (gtag.js).
- Added Cross-Domain Tracking and Bi-Directional Cross-Domain Tracking for Global Site Tag (gtag.js).
- Added Display Features (Remarketing and Advertising Reporting Features) for Global Site Tag (gtag.js).
- Added an extra comment tag in the source code when the site respects the user DNT preference.
- The source code tags are now translatable.
- Moved Update functionality to a new tab in the Administrator area.
- Added Greek translations.
- Improved Layout.
- Various changes/improvements.
Note: The extension will still feature Universal Analytics for a period of time, with an option to switch.

(19 April 2018)
- If the gaOptout function is renamed wrong by the admin, it will now fallback to default instead of not executing it.
- Resized Documentation Modal.
- Added Changelog button on the toolbar.
- Improved Help points.
- Added a reminder notice in the backend when Testing on localhost is enabled.
- Various changes/improvements.

(20 March 2018)
- Added Auth Token field.
- Included Setup Plugin in the package.
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.
Note: The plugin now requires subscription for Digital Download Updates. For sites that already have the plugin installed, a manual download of this version will be required in order to upgrade. [ TOS ]

(13 December 2017)
- Now sends a User-Agent when using the Joomla native update system (requesting the archive file). Joomla 3.x sends none. [ TOS ]
- Various changes/improvements.

(23 November 2017)
- Fully compatible with Joomla 4.
- Added a Tracking ID check notice in case the user has the Tracking ID missing.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved Documentation modal responsiveness.
- Various changes/improvements.
Note: Joomla 4 CMS is not ready yet, it is currently for testing only. Read More.

(1 June 2017)
- Added Online Documentation button on the Toolbar.
- Improved Installer.

(25 May 2017)
- Improved the Opt-Out onclick javascript event in the backend with jQuery for better compatibility and performance.
- Improved Installer.
- The installer will now be refreshing the Joomla backend cache after install/update. The frontend cache is up to the admin.
- Added an .htaccess file with deny from all in the plugin directory to improve security on poorly maintained sites (Linux only). There is no security issue whatsoever, since the release of the extension, rather, the fact that Joomla by default allows access to xml files, can expose version numbers. Many admins know that, but others don't. Blog post soon available.
- Moved the Information tab to the Basic (Plugin) tab.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(17 April 2017)
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(2 March 2017)
- Removed Classic Analytics completely (Universal Analytics is the new operating standard for Google Analytics since long ago).
- Added Opt-Out functionality. Thanks to Thomas for requesting.
- Added 'Cookie Expires' option for the Opt-Out cookie (in years).
- Added 'Function Name' field for the Opt-Out JavaScript function.
- Added Opt-Out link in the Exclude Traffic tab.
- The Opt-Out functionality is independent of any DNT or Exclude Traffic functionality.
- Moved the Respect DNT option to the Exclude Traffic tab.
- The Tracking Code Position option changed name to Code Position and defaults to End of Body as before.
- Added a note to the Hostname List of the Exclude Traffic tab, to remind that a Hostname lookup may decrease performance.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved PHP 7 compatibility.
- Various changes/improvements.

(11 February 2017)
- Added HTML5 check for Joomla 3.

(11 February 2017)
- It is now possible to set cookie expires to 0.
- The default values for Enhanced Link Attribution and Cookies are now visible in the fields as well.
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(31 August 2016)
- Added "Respect DNT" option to the Tracking tab.
- Added Greek Translation (not complete).
- Minor changes/improvements.

(11 August 2016)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(20 July 2016)
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(7 July 2016)
- Improved Installer.

1.3.9 (7 June 2016)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(6 June 2016)
- The Exclude Traffic functionality for Hostname, Referrer and User-Agent has been corrected.

(24 May 2016)
- Updated text for Joomla 3.6.0-Alpha compatibility.

1.3.6 (20 May 2016)
- Removed index.html files.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(12 December 2015)
- Improved Installer.

(10 December 2015)
- Update Site URL changed to HTTPS.
- Improved Installer.
- From now on, 'Discover Install' cannot be used with any eorisis software, it is an incomplete Joomla functionality.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(27 May 2015)
- "Check for update" would not work from sites with SSL on, due to browser policy. It now does.

(24 March 2015)
- Fixed an issue introduced in version 1.3.1, where you could not exclude yourself by IP. Everything is back to normal again.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(13 March 2015)
- Changed Zip Archive creation method.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(10 March 2015)
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(2 March 2015)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(14 December 2014)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(10 October 2014)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(2 August 2014)
- Display Advertising features support is now also available for Universal Analytics.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(8 July 2014)
- Fixed an installer issue that was causing installation error on Windows servers (Reported by Klaus Ondrich).

(4 July 2014)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(1 June 2014)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(22 May 2014)
- Improved Installer.

(3 May 2014)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(18 April 2014)
- The plugin is now Universal Analytics capable with option.
- Added "Tracking Version" option (Classic Analytics (Asynchronous) / Universal Analytics).
- Added Enhanced Link Attribution and settings for Universal Analytics (Cookie Name, Duration, Levels).
- Added Anonymize IP for Universal Analytics.
- Added Force SSL (HTTPS) option (Classic / Universal).
- Added Domain (FQDN) option.
- Changed Domain (Main) options.
- Added Track Multiple Domains (Universal Analytics / Cross-Domain Tracking).
- Added Domain Type for Universal Analytics / Cross-Domain Tracking (Primary / Secondary).
- Added Secondary Domains field (Universal Analytics / Cross-Domain Tracking).
- Added Global Object options (Universal Analytics).
- Added "Testing on localhost" option.
- Added Cookie Domain and Cookie Name options (Universal Analytics).
- Added Cookie Expires and Cookie Path options (Classic / Universal).
- Added Exclude Traffic custom lists.
- "Multiple Top-Level Domains" changed to "Track Multiple Domains" (please check your setting).
- "Source Code Tags" changed to "Tracking Code Tags" (please check your setting).
- Rearranged the Administrator Options display style.
- Various changes/improvements.
It is recommended to check your settings again and save the plugin.

(19 January 2014)
- Added In-Page Analytics / Enhanced Link Attribution support.
- Added Anonymize IP support.
- Added options and custom field for the website Domain when using Cross-Domain Tracking.
- Rearranged the Administrator Options display style.
- Various changes/improvements.

(12 November 2013)
- Added Minify Tracking Code option.
- Options Rearrangement.

(15 October 2013)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(18 September 2013)
- Old Joomla versions from 1.6 to 2.5.3 could not use the Exclude Own Traffic feature. They now can.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(3 September 2013)
- Added Tracking Code Position options (head / body).
- New 'Exclude Own Traffic' method.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(28 August 2013)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(1 August 2013)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(14 July 2013)
- Released

Software Created: 24 February 2012