Pixels for Joomla: Documentation

Software: Pixels

Platform: Joomla
Audience Measurements for Meta/Facebook Advertising. Open Source Extension for Joomla. Joomla Meta Pixel Integration: Measure, optimize, and build audiences for GDPR-compliant ad campaigns. Learn More.
The documentation is also available within the application by using the Documentation button, or by hovering the mouse over help points.

Quick Start

After initial installation the ID of your Meta Pixel is not set. Insert the ID of your Meta Pixel into the corresponding field in the Meta Pixel Options > General tab, or create individual Meta Pixels.

Installation & Updates

The downloadable package zip file can be used as an initial install or as an upgrade without the need to uninstall the previous version. Once you have downloaded the zip file, login to your Joomla Administration area and navigate to System -> Install: Extensions (Joomla 4 or higher), or Extensions -> Manage -> Install (Joomla 3) from the top menu. Then you can Drag and drop or click 'Browse for file' from the 'Upload Package File' tab.

The zip file is intended to be used as-is at the Joomla Extensions Manager. This will execute the package installer and perform all tasks required. DO NOT unzip/extract or upload separate files that are included in the package in order to perform an install or update.
Doing so may lead to errors.

Always take a backup of your website before you install any extension.


To uninstall an extension, always use your native Joomla Extensions area. For Joomla 4 or higher it is System -> Manage: Extensions, for Joomla 3 it is Extensions -> Manage -> Manage. This will remove the whole application properly and all of your settings related to it. Eorisis applications uninstall fully, including their database tables.


Authorization Code
The Authorization Code is required for the Pro edition in order to get live updates. To install updates using the Joomla Extensions Update system, insert your Authorization Code here. Get your Authorization Code from your Eorisis account - 'Subscriptions & Renewals' page on eorisis.com. The Free edition can get live updates without an Authorization Code.

Meta Pixels

Create, manage, and add items to specific pages.

New/Edit Pixel

Set a title for the list in the backend. It will not be used in the generated HTML.


Pixel ID
(Use Global / Custom)
Get your Pixel ID from your Meta/Facebook's Business settings > Data sources > Datasets, or Ads Manager > All Tools > Events Manager. It looks like this: 139544101993912.
Note: You have to create at least one Pixel on Meta/Facebook to get the ID, then set it in this field.

Automatic Configuration
(Use Global / On / Off)
The Meta Pixel will send button click and page metadata (such as data structured according to Opengraph or Schema.org formats) from your website to improve your ads delivery and measurement and automate your Pixel setup. To configure the Meta Pixel to not send this additional information, turn this off.

Respect DNT
(Use Global / Custom)
Do Not Track (DNT) is an HTTP header sent by the client software to prevent tracking by web services. It requests the web application to disable tracking. When Respect DNT is enabled and a visitor sends the DNT header, the extension will not execute for that particular visitor, which means that no connection to the Meta Pixel service will occur. Thus, the visitor will not be tracked.
Note: It is disabled by default, but should be enabled on production environments.

(Use Global / Custom)
Include the agent string in every pixel fire. The string helps Meta systems analyze downstream pixel traffic.

Integrate with Eorisis Consent
(Use Global / On / Off)

Traffic Filters

(Use Global / Use All Filters / Use Filters by Category / Off)
Control the application of traffic filters created within the Traffic Filters section.

- Select Category -


Attach this element to the part of you choice.

- All HTML Pages: Exclude Article Categories (All / Select / None)
Select whether you want this element to be excluded from the pages of articles within the categories of your choice. You can select more than one category.

- All HTML Pages: Exclude Contact Categories (All / Select / None)
Select whether you want this element to be excluded from the pages of contacts within the categories of your choice. You can select more than one category.

- All HTML Pages: Exclude Menu Items
Exclude this element from one or more menu items of the site.

- Menu Items
Attach this element to one or more menu items of your choice.

- Article IDs
Comma separated IDs of articles.

- Article Categories
Select one or more categories from the list.

- Contact Categories
Select one or more categories from the list.

- Components
Select one or more components from the detected list.

- Page Relative URI (Is / Has / Starts With / Ends With)
Compare the Relative URI string based on the given options.

- Page Relative URI: Is
When you want to apply this element on pages where the Relative URI is exactly the same from start to end.

- Page Relative URI: Has
When you want to apply this element on pages where the Relative URI has the given string.

- Page Relative URI: Starts With
When you want to apply this element on pages where the Relative URI starts with the given string.

- Page Relative URI: Ends With
When you want to apply this element on pages where the Relative URI ends with the given string.

- Page Relative URI: String
The text string to be compared with the Relative URI of a page.

- Page Relative URI: Case Sensitive
Upper case and lower case text can be treated as distinct (case sensitive) or equivalent (case insensitive). Searches within electronic text can usually be sensitive to case or not, as required. When Case Sensitive is On the following example text cases will be considered as different: APP, App, app.

- Filter (Include / Exclude)
You can either include this element to the selected area or exclude it. If you Include it, it will appear only on that area and nowhere else. If you Exclude it, it will appear everywhere except the area you selected.

Meta Pixel Categories

Items can be organized in categories.

Meta Pixel Options

Global options for Meta Pixel.

Pixel ID
Get your Pixel ID from your Meta/Facebook's Business settings > Data sources > Datasets, or Ads Manager > All Tools > Events Manager. It looks like this: 139544101993912.
Note: You have to create at least one Pixel on Meta/Facebook to get the ID, then set it in this field.

Automatic Configuration
(On / Off)
The Meta Pixel will send button click and page metadata (such as data structured according to Opengraph or Schema.org formats) from your website to improve your ads delivery and measurement and automate your Pixel setup. To configure the Meta Pixel to not send this additional information, turn this off.

Respect DNT
(On / Off)
Do Not Track (DNT) is an HTTP header sent by the client software to prevent tracking by web services. It requests the web application to disable tracking. When Respect DNT is enabled and a visitor sends the DNT header, the extension will not execute for that particular visitor, which means that no connection to the Meta Pixel service will occur. Thus, the visitor will not be tracked.
Note: It is disabled by default, but should be enabled on production environments.

Include the agent string in every pixel fire. The string helps Meta systems analyze downstream pixel traffic.

Integrate with Eorisis Consent
(On / Off)

Traffic Filters

(Use All Filters / Use Filters by Category / Off)
Control the application of traffic filters created within the Traffic Filters section.

- Select Category -

Traffic Filters

Create, manage, and add filters to be used in Meta Pixels or sitewide.

New/Edit Traffic Filter

Set a title for the list in the backend. It will not be used in the generated HTML.


Filter Action:
(Exclude / Include Only)
Choose the action for this filter. Remember that when a filter is set to 'Include Only', the item will display only if all the filter settings qualify.

Filter Type:
(IP Address / CIDR / Hostname / User Agent / Referrer / Country / Local Server / LAN / Cloudflare / TOR)
Choose the type of incoming traffic for this filter.

IP Address:
You can specify an IPv4 or IPv6 IP address.

You can specify a CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) in both IPv4 or IPv6.

Specify a hostname. Remember that a hostname lookup could impact performance.

User Agent:
Specify a User-Agent string.

Specify a referrer URL.

Specify a country. (Requires Cloudflare)

Local Server:
Exclude or include only traffic from the local server.

Exclude or include only traffic from the local area network.

Exclude or include only traffic from the Cloudflare CDN. Note that this specifically applies to traffic originating from visitors whose IP addresses are associated with Cloudflare.

Exclude or include only traffic from the TOR network. This applies to traffic originating from visitors using TOR. It uses the official bulk exit list with local caching.

Filter Condition:
(Equals / Contains / Starts with / Ends with / Does not equal / Does not contain / Does not start with / Does not end with)
Determine the criteria for this filter's decision process.

Case Sensitive:
(On / Off)
Enable or disable sensitivity to letter case in comparisons.


Items can be organized in categories.


Global preferences that apply sitewide.


Clear Frontend Cache
(On / Off)
When Joomla Global Configuration has caching enabled, activating this option ensures that the Frontend cache is automatically cleared during actions like saving.


Customize the User Interface (UI) to your liking.


Side Bar Menus
Select the visibility of the Side Bar Menus. The Side Bar appears on the left and provides an easy way to navigate to different sections directly.

Layout Colors
(Default / Eorisis)


Documentation Button
(Dashboard / On / Off)
Select the visibility of the Documentation button on the toolbars. The button opens a modal window with the online documentation of the software.

Changelog Button
(Dashboard / On / Off)
Select the visibility of the Changelog button on the toolbars. The button opens a modal window with the online changelog of the software.

Toolbar Buttons
(Group / Separate)
Whether to Group the buttons of the toolbar or not, such as Save, Save & Close, etc. Joomla 4 or higher

Meta Pixels List

(Show Column & Under Title / Show Column / Show Under Title / Hide)
Select the visibility of the Category an item belongs to, in the list of items.

Category Prefix
(Show / Hide)
Select the visibility of the word Category before the actual category the item belongs to. This is only visible when your Category setting allows for the visibility of the category.

Pixel ID
(Intense / Normal / Hide)
Select the visibility of this column in the list of items in the Backend.

Respect DNT
(Show / Hide)
Select the visibility of this column in the list of items in the Backend.

(Show / Hide)
Select the visibility of this column in the list of items in the Backend.

(Show / Hide)
Select the visibility of this column in the list of items in the Backend.

Created Date
(Show / Hide)
Select the visibility of this column in the list of items in the Backend.

(Show / Hide)
Select the visibility of this column in the list of items in the Backend.

Traffic Filter List

(Show Column & Under Title / Show Column / Show Under Title / Off)
Select the visibility of the Category an item belongs to, in the list of items.

Category Prefix
(Show / Hide)
Select the visibility of the word Category before the actual category the item belongs to. This is only visible when your Category setting allows for the visibility of the category.

(Show / Hide)
Select the visibility of this column in the list of items in the Backend.

(Show / Hide)
Select the visibility of this column in the list of items in the Backend.

Created Date
(Show / Hide)
Select the visibility of this column in the list of items in the Backend.

(Show / Hide)
Select the visibility of this column in the list of items in the Backend.


Display notifications in the administration area. If the system detects any kind of misconfiguration in your Joomla CMS or the extension, it will display a notification in the Dashboard or a specific section. It is recommended to keep them on.

Quick Start
(On / Off)

Pixel ID
(On / Off)

Setup Plugin
(On / Off)

(On / Off)

Joomla Cache
(On / Off)


Default permissions used for all items in this component.
Manage the permission settings for the user groups below.
If you change the setting, it will apply to this and all child groups and items.

The permissions from the parent group will be used.

The group being edited will be able to take this action (but if this is in conflict with the parent group it will have no impact; a conflict will be indicated by Not Allowed (Locked) under Calculated Settings).

Denied (Not Allowed)
No matter what the parent group's setting is, the group being edited can't take this action.

Not Set
Used only for the Public group in global configuration. The Public group is the parent of all other groups. If a permission is not set, it is treated as Deny but can be changed for child groups, components, categories and items.

Configure ACL & Options
(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in the group to edit the options and permissions of this application.

Configure Options Only
(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in the group to edit the options except the permissions of this application.

Access Administration Interface
(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in the group to access the administration interface for this application.

(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in this group to create items and categories in this application.

(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in this group to delete items and categories in this application.

(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in this group to edit items and categories in this application.

Edit State
(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in this group to change the state of items and categories in this application.

Edit Own
(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in this group to edit any items and categories they have created in this application.

Edit Update Options
(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in this group to edit the Update options of this application.

Edit Preferences
(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in this group to edit the Preferences of this application.

Edit Interface
(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in this group to edit the UI of this application.

Edit Meta Pixel Options
(Inherited / Allowed / Denied)
Allows users in this group to edit the Meta Pixel global options of this application.


The position of the noscript element of the official Meta Pixel code
The Meta Pixel code uses an alternative noscript element which includes an img element in order for measurements to work on browsers with JavaScript disabled. The official suggested code given by Facebook places this in the head section of the document. In general it is not allowed to place a noscript element in the head section according to the XHTML Strict DTD which allows only script, style, meta, link, object, title and base. It is invalid HTML even in HTML5. For this reason our application places the noscript element at the end of the body section of the document.