Verification for Joomla: Documentation

Software: Verification

Platform: Joomla
Verify site ownership on Google, Yandex, Bing, Facebook Business, Pinterest, WOT (Web of Trust) and Norton Safe Web.
The documentation is also available within the application by using the Documentation button, or by hovering the mouse over help points.

Quick Start

After initial installation the extension is ready to be used under the Components menu. Make sure that you clear the Cache of your Joomla and browser.

Installation & Updates

The downloadable package zip file can be used as an initial install or as an upgrade without the need to uninstall the previous version. Once you have downloaded the zip file, login to your Joomla Administration area and navigate to System -> Install: Extensions (Joomla 4 or higher), or Extensions -> Manage -> Install (Joomla 3) from the top menu. Then you can Drag and drop or click 'Browse for file' from the 'Upload Package File' tab.

The zip file is intended to be used as-is at the Joomla Extensions Manager. This will execute the package installer and perform all tasks required. DO NOT unzip/extract or upload separate files that are included in the package in order to perform an install or update.
Doing so may lead to errors.

Always take a backup of your website before you install any extension.


To uninstall an extension, always use your native Joomla Extensions area. For Joomla 4 or higher it is System -> Manage: Extensions, for Joomla 3 it is Extensions -> Manage -> Manage. This will remove the whole application properly and all of your settings related to it. Eorisis applications uninstall fully, including their database tables.


Meta-Tag Verification:
Verify Website Ownership using the Meta-Tag (aka HTML Tag) method. The plugin will add the meta-tag into the head section of every HTML type page of your website. It is recommended to keep this enabled for as long as you need your website verified with the service. Recommendation: Keep your website verified using both the Meta Tag and File Verification methods.

File Verification:
Verify Website Ownership using the File (aka File Upload) method. It is recommended to have this file in the public webroot directory of your website for as long as you need your website verified with the service. All you have to do is enable this option, save the plugin and visit your website's Front-End once. Note: You do not need to download the file from the service and upload it to your website manually, once the plugin will create the file for you in your website's public webroot directory, ready to be read by the bots. The file can be deleted manually only. This means that if you disable this option after the file has been created (recommended), the file will stay untouched. Recommendation: Keep your website verified using both the Meta Tag and File Verification methods.

Google - Meta-Tag ID:
Google Site Verification Meta Tag ID (aka HTML Tag ID). To get the ID you need to choose the 'HTML Tag' method from the 'Verification methods' in your Google Webmaster Tools. Insert only the ID and not the whole of the given meta tag.

Google - File ID:
Google Site Verification File ID (aka HTML File ID). To get the ID you need to choose the 'HTML File Upload' method from the 'Verification methods' in your Google Webmaster Tools. You can insert either only the ID (Recommended) or the whole of the filename given. This way you will not need to upload the file to your website, once the plugin will create the file for you in your website's public webroot directory, ready to be read by the Googlebot.

Google - Help:
Google Webmaster Tools uses a different ID for the HTML Meta-tag Verification than the File Verification method. Do not enter your Meta-tag ID to the File ID or vise versa. If you need more information, hover your mouse over the titles.

Facebook Business - Verification Code:
Domain Verification in Business Manager
Domain verification in Business Manager provides an easy way for businesses to show domain ownership without the need to edit open graph markup tags on their websites. Business Manager also allows businesses to assign Pages to their verified domains and share those domains with trusted partners. Domain verification supports the protection and integrity of your content to ensure it isn't being misrepresented. By verifying your domains, you claim and maintain control of editing privileges to your content and links.
Verifying your domains is free to do and for your content security. Businesses can verify their online domains so they can edit links to their domain.
1. In your Facebook Business Manager, click on the Business Settings button.
2. In the Business Settings, select the Brand Safety tab, and select Domains from the left side navigation list.
3. Click on the Add button, and enter your domain in the Add a Domain pop-up dialog.
4. Select HTML File Upload method.
5. In your Facebook Business Settings, copy and paste the Verification Code in the Verification Code field in the Facebook Business tab of the extension, after you turn File Verification On.


Google Analytics tracking code method:
You can also verify your site to Google using the "Google Analytics tracking code" method, in which case you may be interested in the Eorisis Analytics Joomla extension.

- For the services that the plugin supports, the given HTML Meta-Tags look as follows:
Google Webmaster Tools:
All you need to insert in the plugin fields is not the whole of the given Meta-Tag, but only the xxxxxxxxxxxxxx part (without the quotes of course). See Screenshots.

- It is recommended to keep the verification Meta-Tags in the head of your pages for as long as you use those services, so that their bots/spiders will always find them. Do not just verify and then disable them. Verify your website using the File method as well -- simply keep both. Do not disable one because you have the other. Google says:
Removing the tag (or file) from your server can cause your site to become unverified, and you will need to go through the verification process again.

- The ID that you need to use for the Google HTML File Verification method is a code on the filename. If an example filename looks like this: google123456789.html -- then guess what the code is ? Ok, lets make the code bold: google123456789.html -- If you still find it difficult to see a difference there and get only the code, from the filename of the file that Google will give you, then just copy/paste all the filename and the plugin will extract the code for you.