Setup for Joomla: Changelog

Software: Setup

Platform: Joomla
Authenticate, Update and Install Eorisis software. Eorisis Setup is a free open source Installer plugin for Joomla and WordPress, that keeps websites authenticated to Eorisis software. Learn More.

(December 15, 2024)
- Compatibility with PHP 8.4.
- Compatibility with Joomla 5.3 - tested on Joomla 5.3.0-alpha2-dev.
- Improved download request headers.
- Added web.config files to restrict access for IIS.
- Updated copyright notice.
- Various changes/improvements.

(September 25, 2024)
- URL and link changes.

(July 26, 2024)
- Fixed a bug caused by Joomla core changes in Joomla 4 or higher, affecting setups in sub-directories unable to load media in the HEAD section, resulting in broken UI (reported by Pere).
- Compatible with WordPress 6.6.

(June 28, 2024)
- Full Eorisis Framework refactoring.
- Minimum Joomla required version changed from 2.5.19 to 3.0.0.
- Removed jimport as it is not needed anymore.
- Removed old Joomla version warning.
- Paths in the media directory have been reorganized.
- Compatible with WordPress 6.5.
- Improved performance.
- Various changes/improvements.

(June 10, 2024)
- Added notifications related to Eorisis Analytics, Eorisis Consent and Eorisis Maps.
- Removed code from the Eorisis Framework for old versions of Joomla that was never used.
- Compatible with Joomla 6, 5, 4, 3 -- tested on Joomla up to version 6.0.0-alpha-dev.
- Compatible/Tested on PHP 8.3.8, 8.2.20, 8.1.29, 7.4.33, 7.3.33, 7.2.34, 7.1.33, 7.0.33.
- Various changes/improvements.

(March 15, 2024)
- Changed the Eorisis Update System URL.
- Improved installer.
- Added notifications related to Eorisis Pixels and Eorisis Elements.
- Tested on Joomla up to version 6.0.0-alpha-dev.
- Tested on PHP up to version 8.3.4.
- Various changes/improvements.

(February 5, 2024)
- Improved installer.
- Improved the header class, with status code safety check, and added Cloudflare status codes in the WordPress plugin.
- Improved the database class in the WordPress plugin.
- Tested up to 5.1.0-alpha4-dev Joomla version.
- Various changes/improvements.

(January 3, 2024)
- Compatibility with PHP 8.3. Tested on PHP 8.3.1.
- Improved Dark Mode compatibility for Joomla 5 backend.
- Improved Joomla 5 backend layout.
- Tested up to 5.1.0-alpha3-dev Joomla version.
- Various changes/improvements.

(November 30, 2023)
- Compatible with the upcoming Joomla 5.1, tested on 5.1.0-alpha2-dev.
- Compatible with WordPress 6.4.
- Better sanitization of URLs to avoid some UTF-8 rare scenarios.
- Set SQL modes in the db class (WordPress only).
- Various changes/improvements.

(August 18, 2023)
- Resolved a bug within Joomla 4 and later versions, that would trigger a PHP warning upon uninstalling the extension.
- Compatible with WordPress 6.3
- Optimization/Performance improvements.

(July 11, 2023)
- Handling of all new changes introduced in Joomla 5.0.0-alpha3-dev. *
- Refactored the Eorisis compatibility layer that handles Joomla versions. This also reduced complexity and improved performance.
- Fixed a backend UI problem related to On/Off buttons in Joomla 3.7.5 or older.
- Improved Performance.
- Various changes/improvements.

* Important: Please take note that the installation of this update is essential in order to ensure compatibility with the forthcoming Joomla 5, as it is crucial to address the modifications found in Joomla 5.0.0-alpha3-dev. It is important to emphasize that Joomla 5 CMS is currently in the Alpha stage and, as such, it is not yet advisable for use in production environments.

(April 28, 2023)
- Compatibility with Joomla 4.3.0, 4.4.x and 5.x.
- Compatible with WordPress 6.2
- Improved the database class for WordPress.
- Refined string sanitization to handle the & character more effectively.
- Improved curl class. Better compatibility with modern PHP.
- Various changes/improvements.

(30 January 2023)
- Compatible with WordPress 6.1
- URI sanitization could result in broken URLs in some cases. This is now fixed.
- General maintenance.
- Various changes/improvements.

(27 October 2022)
- Added extra check for servers with missing PHP packages that lead to an error related to the core PHP class IntlDateFormatter.
(Reported by David).

(19 October 2022)
- Compatibility with Joomla 5.0 and 4.3.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.1 and 8.2.
- Improved the time class.
- Improved the database class for WordPress.
- Various changes/improvements.

(22 September 2022)
- Compatible with the latest PHP versions 8.1.10 and 8.2.0RC2.
- Compatible with WordPress 6.
- Improved the database class for WordPress.
- Improved the time class.
- Improved the exceptions class and error handling.
- Any framework possible errors/warnings/notices now get written in error_log on the server drive.
- Various changes/improvements.

(29 July 2022)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.2.0-rc1.
- The factory class now returns a new instance of a class.
- Better handling of possible errors and error messages.
- Improved the filesystem class.
- Replaced scandir() with RecursiveDirectoryIterator.
- Improved language file loading functionality. Special language files are also moved inside the framework directory.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(20 May 2022)
- Fixed a bug in WordPress strip class causing an error during update check.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Various improvements.

(6 April 2022)
- Compatibility with Joomla 4.2.0-alpha2-dev.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Various UI improvements.
- Various changes/improvements.

(27 January 2022)
- Compatibility with Joomla 4.1.0-beta3.
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.
- Added Support button on the top toolbar.
- Added Notice for installed versions of the Verification extension, older than 2.0.0.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved backend UI.
- Various changes/improvements.

(7 December 2021)
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved documentation and documentation presentation within the extension.
- Improved backend UI.
- Various changes/improvements.

(27 October 2021)
- Fixed fonts URI in the backend.

(26 October 2021)
- The extension is compatible with the upcoming Joomla 4.1.x. Tested on Joomla 4.1.0-alpha1.
- Added backend warning for Joomla versions older than 4 and 3.10.
- Improved backend UI.
- Improved Documentation and Changelog modals in the backend (Joomla 4).
- Various changes/improvements.

(7 September 2021)
- Removed all Joomla 4 alpha and beta version support. Full support for the stable Joomla 4.x, 3.x, 2.5.x.
- Autocomplete is now off on all input and select elements in the backend.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(17 August 2021)
- Tested on all Joomla versions including the new Joomla 4.0.0 and 3.10.0.
- Tested on WordPress 5.8
- Eorisis framework refactoring phase 2.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(21 June 2021)
- The Eorisis framework is now PSR-4 compliant.
- Eorisis framework namespace and class refactoring.
- Improved Stability.
- Improved Performance.
- Tested on Joomla 4.0.0-rc3-dev.
- Tested on Joomla 3.10.0-alpha8-dev
- Tested on WordPress 5.7.2
- Various changes/improvements.

(11 May 2021)
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(19 April 2021)
- Removed experimental backend UI Buttons Style from Joomla 4.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta8-dev.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.0.
- Avoiding errors on servers running PHP versions older than 7.2.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Code cleanup.
- Minor changes/improvements.
Tested on PHP 8.0.3, 7.4.16, 7.3.27, 7.2.34, 7.1.33, 7.0.33

(20 March 2021)
- Improved compatibility with Microsoft/Windows servers.
- Confirmed full compatibility with WordPress 5.7.
- Avoid installation error on servers running PHP 5.6 or older, display a proper warning and abort installation.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Stability.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(9 February 2021)
- Dropped support for PHP 5.6.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.0.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-Beta7.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Tested compatibility with Joomla 3.10.0-Alpha5.
- Various changes/improvements.

(12 January 2021)
- Tightened security.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Confirmed full compatibility with WordPress 5.6.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta6-dev.
- Various changes/improvements.

(2 October 2020)
- WebAssetManager compatibility for Joomla 4 and Joomla 5.
- Various changes/improvements.

(3 September 2020)
- Avoid error for PHP versions equal or older than 7.0.x, due to restrictions implemented in version 3.0.7.

(1 September 2020)
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(30 August 2020)
- Confirmed full compatibility with WordPress 5.5.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-Beta3.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved Performance.
- Minimum PHP Version raised to 5.6.0.
- Various changes/improvements.

(6 May 2020)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta1-dev.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Minimum PHP Version raised to 5.4.0.
- Various changes/improvements.

(6 April 2020)
- Confirmed full support for PHP 7.4. Tested on PHP 7.4.4 (released on 17 March 2020) on Linux servers. *
- Confirmed full compatibility with WordPress 5.4.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved compatibility with older versions of Joomla.
- Minor changes/improvements.

* Note: In case you run PHP 7.4 on your server, it may not be compiled with zip support. In the case that your host has compiled PHP from source, as of PHP 7.4.0 the server admin must compile PHP with zip support by using the --with-zip configure option. If you face problems running PHP 7.4 on your site, then your host has not fully and/or correctly compiled PHP 7.4. In this case it is recommended to fallback to an older PHP version such as PHP 7.3.

(25 February 2020)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta1-dev.
- Improved compatibility with older versions of Joomla.
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved language files.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(14 January 2020)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.0.0-beta1-dev.
- Improved compatibility with older versions of Joomla.
- Improved compatibility with WordPress 5.3.x.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Installer.
- Improved Fields.
- Various changes/improvements.

(1 November 2019)
- Full compatibility with the new UI code changes in Joomla 4.0.0-alpha12.
- Minor changes/improvements.

Note: Joomla 4.0.0-alpha12 core would produce an error originating from the WebAssetManager, while core extensions such as the Login Module are enabled in the frontend. This is an incomplete/buggy behavior in the current alpha versions of the Joomla 4 framework. In case you encouter the above error in the frontend, disabling the Login Module will allow the Joomla framework to execute properly, until the WebAssetManager is fully removed or fixed. Another error is caused by the onContentBeforeSave method in core plugins missing the $data variable, in various cases when saving extension data in the backend. Core plugins that cause the error are Content Joomla, Content Smart Search and Action Log Joomla. Disabling these plugins bypasses the problem of Joomla 4. It is once again strongly recommended to use Joomla 4 for testing purposes ONLY.

(8 October 2019)
- Improved the Eorisis Framework.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(29 May 2019)
- Available for WordPress.

(24 May 2019)
- Improved XML methods.
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(13 May 2019)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla versions 2.5.x.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(3 May 2019)
- Added support for Joomla packages.

(2 May 2019)
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.
- Improved compatibility with old PHP versions.
- Improved backend forms.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(22 April 2019)
- Required changes due to changes in the Eorisis Google Analytics and Eorisis Elements extensions.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(25 March 2019)
- Improved Joomla 4 UI compatibility.
- Added UI Buttons Style option for Joomla 4.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(19 March 2019)
- Improved installer (Extensive testing).
- Improved UI.
- Added the extension logo in the Dashboard.

(16 March 2019)
- An installer bug would abort installation with an error, under specific conditions (reported by Mauricio).

(10 March 2019)
- Added Notices On/Off option in the Advanced tab.

(3 March 2019)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(27 February 2019)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(21 January 2019)
- Improved installer.

(29 December 2018)
- Compatibility with PHP 7.3.
- The installer would not report the correct text for Method Used after installation (introduced in v2.3.1). It now does.
- Improved installer.

(21 December 2018)
- Improved installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(21 November 2018)
- Improved the Eorisis framework.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla 4.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla versions 3.6.5 or older.
- Improved installer.
- Added Warnings On/Off option in the Advanced tab.
- Various changes/improvements. Extensively tested on the current PHP 7.2.12 all the way back to PHP 5.6.38 on Linux and Windows.

Note: Joomla 4.0.0-alpha5 core has various backend issues that didn't exist in alpha4. Joomla 4 CMS is not ready yet, it is currently for testing only. Read More.

(1 November 2018)
- Improved Installer.
- The extension title is now being displayed properly in Joomla 3.9 "Action Logs - Latest" in the backend. Note that there are still various Joomla core bugs with language text in Action Logs.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(16 October 2018)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(4 September 2018)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(24 August 2018)
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(27 July 2018)
- Joomla 4.0.0-alpha4 is now set to be the latest Joomla version.
- Updated backend for Joomla 4.0.0-alpha4. Joomla 4.0.0-alpha4 core has very bad Twitter Bootstrap edits. You are advised NOT to upgrade to Joomla 4 before it becomes stable.

(9 July 2018)
- Fixed and issue preventing MS Windows IIS or Windows XAMPP setups to enter the extension backend page (reported by James).
- Minor changes/improvements.

(27 May 2018)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(12 May 2018)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(11 May 2018)
- Better compatibility with Joomla 4.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(29 April 2018)
- Moved Update functionality to a new tab in the Adminsitrator area.
- Added Changelog button on the Toolbar.
- Added Documentation button on the Toolbar.
- Improved Performance.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(22 March 2018)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(13 December 2017)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(12 December 2017)
- Added ability to authenticate sites which run old Joomla versions.
- Various changes/improvements.

(23 November 2017)
- Fully compatible with Joomla 4.
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.
Note: Joomla 4 CMS is not ready yet, it is currently for testing only. Read More.

(7 June 2017)
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(30 May 2017)
- Improved Installer.
- The installer will now automatically enable the plugin after install.
- The installer will now be refreshing the Joomla backend cache after install/update. The frontend cache is up to the admin.
- Added an .htaccess file with deny from all in the plugin directory to improve security on poorly maintained sites (Linux only). There is no security issue whatsoever, since the release of the extension, rather, the fact that Joomla by default allows access to xml files, can expose version numbers. Many admins know that, but others don't. Blog post soon available.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(23 May 2017)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(8 May 2017)
- Added support for Joomla! Components.
- Improved Installer.
- Moved the Information tab to the Basic (Plugin) tab.
- Various changes/improvements.

(17 April 2017)
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(2 March 2017)
- Improved Installer.
- Improved PHP 7 compatibility.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(24 January 2017)
- Changed headers. EMail Address is now not required.
- Added Greek Translation (not complete).
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(11 August 2016)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(20 July 2016)
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(7 July 2016)
- Improved Installer.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(24 May 2016)
- Updated text for Joomla 3.6.0-Alpha compatibility.

(20 May 2016)
- Removed index.html files.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(12 December 2015)
- Improved Installer.

(11 December 2015)
- Update Site URL changed to HTTPS.
- Improved Installer.
- From now on, 'Discover Install' cannot be used with any eorisis software, it is an incomplete Joomla functionality.
- Minor changes/improvements.

(27 May 2015)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(27 May 2015)
- "Check for update" would not work from sites with SSL on, due to browser policy. It now does.

(13 March 2015)
- Changed Zip Archive creation method.

(10 March 2015)
- Added support for Components, Modules and Plugins.
- Improved Installer.
- Various changes/improvements.

(2 March 2015)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(16 December 2014)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(22 October 2014)
- Minor changes/improvements.

(16 October 2014)
- Released.

Software Created: 13 October 2014